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Super ferment

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:18 pm
by Black Eye
Anyone every try this super ferment to kick start a ferment, say, in place of a "yeast bomb". I've been poking around the tried and true rum recipes and been doing a lot of reading in perpetuation to give some rum a go.

I recently threw some of this in a batch of a sugar head similar to UJSSM I've been running longer than I've been a member here, along with another recipe for my mother in law. I'm really happy with the results I'm getting. Picked it up at my local brew supply store. My buddy told me it'd give me a good kick start and he wasn't kidding. I broke one of the rules and cracked the top on my fermenter tonight. I've never seen a mash literally boil like this before

I'm planning on giving this a go with my rum attempt. Didn't know if anyone else had any reports on this stuff.... Good or bad. Typically I'm not in the market to dry a beer out, but this adventure in distilling has me going in all sorts of directions.

Re: Super ferment

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:26 pm
Would't using this end up like using turbo yeast? Just asking here as I dont know.

Re: Super ferment

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:37 am
by Black Eye
It's not making a yeast more tolerant to a higher alcohol volume. It provided nutrients to promote a healthy yeast colony in a low nutrient environment like cane sugar. It's basically DAP, vitamin B, calcium amongst other things.

Re: Super ferment

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:05 am
by Schmicter
yea it is like a turbo but without the yeasts. Turbo's don't make yeast more tolerant to higher ABV. They either are or aren't. Turbo yeasts are just higher tolerant yeasts in a packet with a ton of nutrients. So they sold you the turbo nutrient portion and you add your own yeast. There really is no advantage to slugging a mash/wash with extra nutrients. A good balanced recipe with bakers will finish in 7-10 days. A mash/wash over slugged with nutrients MIGHT finish a day faster and taste like crap.

Re: Super ferment

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:40 am
by rad14701
While advertised as yeast nutrients for making wine you could use the nutrient for a sugar wash as well... The amount used could be increased for distillation purposes but we need to remember that the chemicals, and byproducts produced during fermentation, stay in wine whereas they are mostly left behind during distillation...

Would it turn yeast into turbo yeast...??? That would depend on the dosage used...

Are all chemicals bad...??? No... Knowing the right balance is the key... The mix I use has been refined over many fermentations and is intended not only to speed fermentation but also to help minimize some of the toxins that slow and/or stall the fermentation process... Even all grain ferments can produce these toxins and could potentially benefit from proper doses of chemicals/nutrients... The trick is knowing how much of each...

Re: Super ferment

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:19 am
by chrisc69
hear is just a thought and would take a few gens to work but buy some turbo even 2 packs make some crap a few runs till you have depleted the nutrients that are in the slurry also in between add clean boiled and chilled water add to yeast cake (will be much easyer in a glass carboy)
let the yeast and sediment split decant the water off the top then the yeast (its a yellowish color repete

the process the best gauged would be that the fermentation will take some time now as the stuff that makes that yeast move so hard and fast is now gone

try making a healthy yeast bomb more for better cleaner ferment me personally i believe that anything that is going to be really good will take time so i don't try and speed my yeast i just like to make them healthy im still experimenting with yeast nutrients so someone else can chime in on what would be best hear

but this might give you a high yealding yeast with out the crappy turbo taste cant be sure iv been thinking of experimenting with this idea for a bit but haven't had a fermentor free yet to do so if you beat me to testing this please let me know how the process works out for you

Re: Super ferment

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:24 am
by Black Eye
Really The Super ferment Nutrient wasn't intended to speed things up, atleast in my case. It's a wine nutirient they're using at my LHBS. But when you're running a sugar head like UJSSM or Rum... there's very little nutrients to support healthy yeast. I see a lot of things to get a kick start and provide nutrients, DAP, crushing up beano and vitamin B and other things. I thought I'd give this a try and see what happened. This stuff seems to have most of what you need in a couple little teaspoons. They reccomend 1 teaspoon per gallon. I've used this a couple times in high sugar ferments and I added it at 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon and I've had some really decent ferments with it. I'm not trying to get High ABV, I'm not trying to ferment out in 2 days.... but there is definitely a better result. I've taken an old gen of UJSSM and added my backset and surgar to it and waiting for it to take off. I've seen it take 12-18 hours to get going. I've added this and had it start up with in a couple hours and still take 5-6 days to ferment out.