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new 2 inch VM / potstill build!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:29 am
by bigfish909
hey everyone, its been a few weeks since iv posted. i started off this new project by building a 2" boka but ran into problems when soldering the plates in, nothing would stick for me or my dad. we then tried to braze the plates in and still the leaked like colander. heading back to the drawing board a defeated man i decided to build a VM with an optional potstill cap. i probably could have this much simpler but had a blast trying to figure it out.
when building my liebig i started off with a 1/2'' inside 1'' at about 24'' long. it worked great but was not quit long enough for a real hard strip run. yes i was using just water and i know that it is harder to knock down water vapor but i went ahead and made it about 3.5 feet long. the coil was a pain in my ass and i think i might build another one soon because this one is horrible looking. works but I'm not proud at all, we will leave it at that bc if you want to learn how to build one don't come to me :crazy:
i started off with a good 5 foot section of 2'' pipe with with my boka screw up some was lost. now the column is about 36'' up ti the tack off point. the take off is a 2x1.5x2 copper T. i used male and female fitting to be able to remove my coil and attach a cap to be used as potstill mode. SAFETY if ever doing this make sure to triple check that your valve is 100% open otherwise KAAABOOOOOM!!!!!! i used a 1'' pickled brass gate valve with the silicone gasket removed and replaced with lots of PTFE tape. i want to upgrade to a SS GV down the road but brass was easy to find and much cheaper. found this awesome adapter online and the company was great with fast shipping. ... mp-adapter" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

I'm working on pictures right now. its not pretty but I'm going to HD to get insulation today so not too motivated to shine it up when its going to get covered and i already put in so much work to build and stop leaks. Oh and i order some electrical stuff on amazon to convert from propane. it will be here friday but need to find time to work on it. will definitely keep everyone updated.

Re: new 2 inch VM / potstill build!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:59 am
by bigfish909
ok guys i feel stupid. i can't get the picture thing to work every time it says invalid action.

Re: new 2 inch VM / potstill build!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:30 pm
by redmud
I ran into the same problem with my pics I think you need to resize them or just set the camera to take pics at a lesser resolution

Re: new 2 inch VM / potstill build!!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:45 pm
by maheel
use Microsoft picture manager to open the pic
select edit
then select resize pic
make it "web large" save it (.jpg)
up load it (or host it on photobucket etc and ad the link)

= we see your pics

Re: new 2 inch VM / potstill build!!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:03 pm
by rad14701
Do not use an image hosting site as maheel has suggested... Upload directly... We do not want externally hosted images here as has been explained too many times... Resize properly and upload into your posts...