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My first run

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:11 pm
by jollyroger
Well, I run my first run 2 weeks ago. I know I am late posting about it, but life happens. Anyway, I did my cleaning run with the vinegar. Then I did a sacrificial run with some Wild Irish Rose...*shudder* Then I ran some water through, just to be sure. I made a mash using corn meal, white sugar,powdered sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, mango, nectarine, apple, yeast and water. It came out awesome! My cuts were decent and my product was very unique and tasted great! I gotta give so much thanks to this site for teaching me so well! I have a sweetfeed mash working up now, and can't wait to run it! I am actually doing this! And I am doing it well! This is awesome.


Re: My first run

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:25 pm
by Kravenhed
Wow quite the bill.....congrats on a good run.....just a wondering a bit, that there water don't really look too fit for shinin, please tell me your just using it to cool the flake stand...

Re: My first run

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:38 pm
by jollyroger
That was just a safe hiding spot. I used jug water for the shinin'. You can see one of my jugs in picture 2 on top of my bucket. I didn't even use that water for cooling. I had buckets of cold water for that. As far as the recipe, I just kept adding stuff because I didn't have enough of anything but yeast for the batch...Still came out good, though. Now I have all of the ingredients I need for the tried and true sweet feed recipe, so no more mad scientist batches.... :lol:

Re: My first run

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:35 am
by bourbonbob1
I want to give this a try. I've been thinking about doing something with mango. Can you be a bit more specific about quantities?

Re: My first run

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:35 pm
by jollyroger
I had one of each of the fruits. I just chopped and smashed em into a pulp and added em in. Had a very unique flavor when done. Not bad, but very interesting...

Re: My first run

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:37 pm
bourbonbob1 wrote:I want to give this a try. I've been thinking about doing something with mango. Can you be a bit more specific about quantities?
My first wash was all mango and sugar. 35 lbs mango, 11 lbs sugar in a 10 gallon wash got me to 10% - 11%
Worked out really well.

Re: My first run

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:08 pm
by jollyroger
I ran the SF today. It came out pretty good. Once she heated up and got rolling, it flowed nicely. I saved my heads and tails to run with the next batch, and got over a liter of hearts to enjoy. Seems to be about 120 proof. I like the taste that the sweet feed gives off. Not at all like corn, but still a good tasting likker. I think this could be my thing.