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Cracking Corn

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:12 pm
by BW Redneck
Being on a 1000 acre farm, I essentially have an endless supply of corn on hand. I started this hobby on this recipe and have found an easier way to get corn to the proper crack.

First off, 7lbs. is a LOT to crack by hand. Don't even try.

I've got a friend with his own crimping machine. However, this one is a model with a fixed setting. This setting leaves a lot of whole corn kernels to be dealt with. I simply run my corn twice through, and then run it through a seed cleaner set for soybeans. Whole corn, being larger than a soybean, will not fall through the first screen. Just use whatever comes through any of the screens.

On my first batch, the seed cleaner didn't occur to me at that time. So, after the sweet mash, I just ran my unspent grains through a food processor. Made it into a nutrient slurry more than anything else. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:47 am
by jake
BW ive used ameat grinder atached to the back of a meat band saw. it worked for both corn and barley. very quick to! but the meat grinder on my wifes kitchen aid mixer didnt work so well. the grinder was alright but the mixer's gears didnt fare so well. she's got a new mixer; and I KNOW not to do that stupid SHIT ever again! (her words) :oops:

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:50 am
by gs_moonshine
I bought a corona grain mill off ebay for 35 bucks with shipping. It works great. Its a hand cranked but you can grind 7-10 pounds of corn or any grain for that matter in no time

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:00 am
by junkyard dawg
There are at least a handful of companies that make the corona design. The actual corona is probably the best, its a nice mill. There are a few made in mexico that sells for $18 to $24. La Michoacano meat markets around texas always have 'em. Those markets are good for big cheap enameled steel pots too. Then theres the tacos...


Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:04 am
by Uncle Jesse
I got a grain grinder attachment for my wife's kitchen mixer. Does just fine for smaller amounts of grains and corn.

corn whiskey

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:08 pm
by jimmyparris
sound like you are going to have some corn whiskey soon.

Mine shareing you recipe with a first timer?

I posted what I have did so for ---- its under corn whiskey help

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:51 pm
by Tater

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:34 am
by BW Redneck
Right now I been doin' UJSM in a simple pot still made from a 22 qt stock pot and a 10' length of 1/4 inch copper. It's a pretty crude device. The lid was glass, so I had to drill a hole in the side to fit a cork which my copper sits in.

Eventually, I plan to do some cooked mashes as soon as I come across some wheat I can malt. (Barley and rye aren't as common around here)

As soon as find a SS turkey fryer, (most are Al, frowned upon in this forum) I'll build myself a proper Vapor Management reflux model. I figured I'd learn how to do simple pot stilled washes before moving on to bigger and better things.

I would post photos, but I lack a digital camera at the moment.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:14 pm
by Monster Mash
Iv'e been using flaked maize up until now but it is expensive running around $ 60.00 per 50 lbs. Since cracked corn is much less expensive and I can probably find it at a local feed store what do I need to look out for?
I assume that I am looking for whole kernal hard shucked white corn and run it through a grain mill? Thanks for the help guys. This maybe a way to reduce the cost of the finished spirit.

Cracked Corn

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:54 pm
by Uncle Jesse
You can buy it as bird feed from some major outlets like Pet Smart in the U.S., I used to buy their 20 lb bags of cracked corn. I much prefer getting a 50lb bag from a feed store which are quite common in my area as we have a lot of agriculture and livestock nearby.

Make sure the corn you get is perishable - in other words that it does not have preservatives. Basically you just want the ultra-common, good old fashioned yellow dent corn. I can get 50 lb bags for $9.00 here. A decent deal but it's much cheaper than that if you buy bulk.