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maple syrup??

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:45 pm
by homebuilt
the maple syrup is running good around here and i got wondering if anyones ever tried it. seems like you would run it the same as molasses. it sounds to me it would taste good ran through a pot still.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:50 am
by BW Redneck
From what I hear, (and I may be wrong) maple syrup doesn't have as many nutrients as molasses. I'd treat it more like a mead ferment. Do a search on "Mead".

Maple syrup and honey don't have the same sugar content, so make sure to use a hydrometer.

I've never done either, so I can't really offer as good of advice as someone who has.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:27 am
by stoker
for those who are interested:
aldi has now maple syrup in his shops for € 10 / l
(I have no idea how much it costs in other shops)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:09 am
by jake
homebuilt there is a recipe on the main site for maple syrup wash.
I have been wanting to try one myself. unfortunately it is not cheap even the low grade stuff.One of the guys I work with is from Maine; 30hour drive away, said he would bring me some from his families sugar camp next time he visits. So for now I wait

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 10:05 am
by possum
Homebuilt, if you have access, you might be able to ferment the raw sap, instead of concentrating the sugar and then dilluting it.

Try a hydrometer reading, and maybe crush up a multivitamin, and some yeast nutrient. I'm just guessing here, I never tried it, but if there is alot of mapletaping in your region, sap might be easier...although you might have to bring it to a boil to avoid wild yeast/bacteria..I am not sure.

There is a section in the with a maple syrup wash.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:22 pm
by olcarguy
Got a recipe for birch sap wine and maple is a bit sweeter. Calls for 1imp gal sap to 3 lb sugar 1 orange and 2 lemons and nutrient. I'm sure maple would be about the same.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:16 pm
by old_red_eye
I've make both Birch and Maple Sap wine and use the same recipe for both.

5 gallons sap (I actually use 7 gallons and boil it to 5 gallons)
4 limes (washed and sliced)
4 oranges (washed and sliced)
5 lbs seedless golden raisins (can substitute with 4 cans of Welch's WHITE grape concentrate)
**** Raisins make better tasting wine but grape concentrate makes it clearer)
approx. 10 lbs of sugar (SG to 1.090)
25 cloves
1 tsp grape tannin
1/4 tsp potassium metabisulfate (I never use campden tablets)
5 tsp yeast nutrient
71B-1122 yeast

I leave it in the carboy for 8-10 months and then bottle.

This makes a very good white wine with high alcohol.

I have distilled some of this in a de-refluxed still and find in makes a good martini.
For all the work I would just rather drink the wine.

For the past couple of years, I have also made birch syrup. I just took my
cans down today but made this much for fun.
