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Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:56 pm
by roosterjim
Thanks again for all the help on my first post!

Is it safe to use tap water from the city to make your wash? I have been told by old timers that well water or natural spring water is what you should use for distilling. They say tap water with all the chlorine and fluoride will make your product unsafe to drink.

Is this just an old wives tale? Do any of you use city water from your faucet and have you noticed flavor or anything being off?

Thanks, Rooster

Re: Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:11 pm
by googe
I use tap water from the hose, never had a prob. Live in the city outskirts.

Re: Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:26 pm
by woodshed
You can get a water quality report from your district. Look at the numbers and see how they fall into place. Gotta ph most likely.

We don't deal with fluoride here. Chlorine is not good and can be eased with a good hard boil of the water.

Re: Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:41 pm
by corene1
I use city water with no problems , but I dechlorinate it first. I don't boil it as that will take all the oxygen and some of the nutrients out of it. I take a clean barrel and fill it with water the day before and put an aquarium air pump and stone in it and let it bubble for 24 hours. It takes all the chlorine out and leaves al the minerals and nutrients in. Try it. Taste the water first and then again 24 hours later. you can taste the difference.

Re: Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:45 pm
by Prairiepiss
City water with those things in it. Won't make it unsafe. It may stop the yeast from fermenting. Mostly the chlorine or clorimide which ever they use in your water. And there are many threads around here that will explain how to remove both of those things.
Tap water OK to use for spirits?
but you asked about spirits in the title of the thread. And no you don't want to use tap water for diluting spirits. Distilled or good clean filtered water like RO water.

Re: Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:02 pm
by roosterjim
woodshed wrote:
We don't deal with fluoride here. Chlorine is not good and can be eased with a good hard boil of the water.
Just boil it for a long time and the chlorine boils off?
Thanks, Rooster

Re: Tap water OK to use for spirits?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:03 pm
by roosterjim
Thanks for the help guys! I was worried.
