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Sayin 'HI', and AM creative in thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:49 pm
by BlackSOL
Comin in finally, though been reading heavily for quite a long while. Everything here I think is WELL WORTH the time to read through....well...except for the trolls (but thats a WHOLE new ballgame there) :problem:

Got plenty of ideas, and true, many can get kindly shot out of the sky too, but hey...some of us might have even tried it before and found out the idea worked well, great, or went horribly wrong, right? Philosophy is:

Can't learn if you ain't tryin to fly better than what your allready doin'.

Re: Sayin 'HI', and AM creative in thoughts

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:33 pm
by Samohon
Welcome to HD BlackSOL...

Have fun... :thumbup:

Re: Sayin 'HI', and AM creative in thoughts

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:06 am
by rad14701
Greetings, BlackSOL...

This is a great place to toss out ideas based on ample research... Every so often we do get a new concept that proves fruitful and takes hold... However, attempts at reinventing the wheel can become a huge time vacuum and an exercise in futility... Finding the balance can be tricky at best...

What types of still(s) and spirit(s) are you interested in making...???

Good luck, stay safe, and enjoy the journey...

Re: Sayin 'HI', and AM creative in thoughts

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:09 am
by BlackSOL
In hindsight, shoulda put the types of drink I'm goin for in my first post....thanks for reminding me on that Rad.

In the end, might go for rums, but for now going for a sweet tasting vodka, but building a slant-plated boka and it's not finished yet, so stuck with a tiny teapot kettle at the moment (can only hold a gallon at most), so yeah, cuts are a REAL pain there on that. Over time, we'll get to know eachother better, that I'm pretty sure on.

Re: Sayin 'HI', and AM creative in thoughts

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:50 am
by Maritimer
Hi BlackSOL,

I like your approach to distilling through creativity. Re-inventing the wheel is actually an excellent way to learn:

The most influential exponent of cognitivism was Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget rejected the idea that learning was the passive assimilation of given knowledge. Instead, he proposed that learning is a dynamic process comprising successive stages of adaption to reality during which learners actively construct knowledge by creating and testing their own theories of the world. Piaget’s theory has two main strands: first, an account of the mechanisms by which cognitive development takes place; and second, an account of the four main stages of cognitive development through which children pass. ... iaget.html" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Don't be so ready to accept the put-downs that you'll get when you propose a new idea. Maybe it's not really a new idea to someone else, and you are only learning by creating. But if it is a new idea, the first reaction of many people is to put it down in a kind of fear of the new.


Re: Sayin 'HI', and AM creative in thoughts

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:23 pm
by BlackSOL
Maritimer wrote:Hi BlackSOL,

I like your approach to distilling through creativity. Re-inventing the wheel is actually an excellent way to learn:

The most influential exponent of ......

Don't be so ready to accept the put-downs that you'll get when you propose a new idea. Maybe it's not really a new idea to someone else, and you are only learning by creating. But if it is a new idea, the first reaction of many people is to put it down in a kind of fear of the new.


Very true on that, but then you got ME :mrgreen: I tend to think things through, then before trying it out and potentially waste precious money (especially these days it seems) go ahead and bounce the idea on some more-experienced heads that have been doing this stuff for more years, or even a decade or 2 longer ...and SEE if they may think the idea may be feasible, or probably going to be an utter failure. These that I'm posting for now are un-tested, and in fact, not even built except my coldfinger variant, but I'll look a bit more in the theory area before I post on the finger, and on it anyways, gonna hook it up to a water supply, run it full bore, throw it in boiling water, and see if the output goes boiling, hot, or potentially stays fairly cool.

Anyways, I'll let some ponder wth I'm doing on it till I test it, and when I post on it, I'll have results with the idea, temps, waterflow, everything, including it's very small size of tube it's designed for.

Oh, sorry for the edit, but also forgot to include that in my tiny pot still of 1 gallon, I've ran prolly 150-160 washes through it, the first 10 GLAD I DID NOT DRINK as I had made some serious flaws when building it (since beginning to read this site heavily years ago, HAVE made the necessary corrections to make it safe to use and drink.