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New penny pot still

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:20 am
by Bigmanley2
I finally got my pot still finished now to hook it up, do a cleaning run then mash it up. I'd like to know what y'all think about it and what y'all think about a stainless cap, I've never seen one but I'm making one for this still just to see what happens.

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:15 am
by just sayin
She is beautiful to behold! What is the capacity of your boiler? A stainless "cap" will work fine. You will need to keep some copper in the vapors trail to tie up the sulfer compounds that don't taste or smell so good in your product.

Must be tuff to work in that tiny shop you have there....

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:11 am
by Bigmanley2
Almost forgot to add a dump valve, so now it's done. @ just sayin if I use copper tube for my cap arm will that be enough copper along with the copper tube in the thumper ? Ad yeah it's a little crowded in this hole in the wall shop lol thanks for the compliments on its looks

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:02 am
by just sayin
Looking Good! People run all stainless with just a few copper scrubbies in their column and say it works fine. Since you are going to have both copper and stainless, I think it would be instructive to make one big wash to split into two runs, one with the coppers head and the other with stainless and compare them shot for shot. If the stainless is less then satisfactory you can always add some scrubbies in your lyne arm of even mount a couple of copper baffles in your frustrum.
Still don't know the volume of the boiler. Will be interesting to see how she turns out.................Just Sayin'

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:11 pm
by goose eye
looks like about 35gal outfit. that plug on the bottom looks a bit small. needs to be bout 3/4 to 1 inch if you chargein with fruit in it.

so im tole

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:08 pm
by Wewt
Nice cap. Good job.

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:20 am
by Bigmanley2
The dump valve is 3/4 , 8 gal. Thumper. It's my first build so Im figuring out what to do differently on the next one. Thanks for the compliments, I've got a lot of time invested in her I'm hoping she does me good.ive got to do a lot more research be fore I build a reflux system

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:36 am
by goose eye
old eyes my only excuse. why you put the dump valve on the bottom instead of bottom side. while it on blocks dependin on your burner aint no problem but when you nock it down it a pain to walk thru the woods with it. it gonna want to catch on everything an you cant sit it down. most folks the ole boys seen with ones like that are legal an keep em on the blocks. ole boys stub out the bottom side add a gate valve an a cap
when needed

so im tole

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:54 am
by Bigmanley2
It won't be in the woods I've got a pretty big shop and a couple of hideaway places indoors. I'm also building a Stand for it and the thumper to sit on with a cutout for the valve position and said stand will house my burners that I am also going to build. It's a little to shiny to put in the woods

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:49 am
by Prairiepiss
8 gallon thumper is on the small side for a 40 gal boiler. 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the boiler. So 13 to 20 gallons would be better. Or a return drain with vapor lock could be used. But then the thumper would need to be high enough it could drain back to the boiler. The smaller thumper runs a chance of it filling up during a run.

Nice looking build though. :thumbup:

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:02 am
by Bigmanley2
@ Prairiepiss Yea my cap is a little small also, so I thought about building another bigger cap and thumper for this pot and building a smaller pot half this ones size for the cap and thumper I have, like I said its my first and I'm learning a lot from this build, and y'all's ideas and suggestions.

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:06 am
by Prairiepiss
I wouldn't think the cap size would be a problem. So I wouldn't worry much about that.

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:54 pm
by goose eye
Ain't hard to get the shine off. Put it in a brush fire.
Good job.

So IM tole

Re: New penny pot still

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:45 am
by Stainless dude
Good lookin stuff you got there Big, with your fab abilities your going to really love this hobby. Building is half the fun, good job :thumbup: