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RumRunner Recipe

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:47 pm
Taken from this post
WhiteLightning wrote: This is ma personal recipe for some of the best rum mash, i've ever produced.
12.5 Lbs of Molasses
5 Gal of tap water
1 Large Lemon
1 Large Orange
1 Cup of White Labs High Gravity Yeast (Super Yeast)
(Recipe was cut down from my original mash of 12 gal)

The molasses I bought was from a local feed store in the form of a 5 gal bucket for $18 USD. I knew this was good molasses cause it smell fine, and the first bucket exploded on me when i opened it up in ma truck bed. Anyway, I added 15lbs of molasses into a 5 gal bucket then filled it up with water, then pitched my cup of super yeast. 4 days later I dumped the mash into a 12 gal fermenter and added the rest of the molasses and top her of with water. Left the fermenter in 80* + weather for bought a week and it was ready to be racked, sparkaloided, and distilled.

I want to make my first mesh and I want to make "Rum"
WhiteLightning says that he needs these ingredients, but the thing is that I live in Costa Rica (Central America) and is hard to find "White Labs High Gravity Yeast". Can I replace it with Bread / Bakery yeast?, If yes, what quantity I need to use?
I can find locally Molasses from sugar cain, that is used to feed Cows and other animals. Will this molasses work? or I need to replace it too.?


Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 9:45 pm
by Big J
Your molasses should be fine. Just make sure that nothing has been added to it and it is just pure molasses.

You can use any yeast, bread yeast, beer yeast, wine yeast. Try some different ones as they will produce different flavors and see which one you like best. Surely you can find beer yeast somewhere in Costa Rica? If you are making ~20L, you could put in about 20g of yeast and that will be plenty.

Good luck.


Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 7:20 am
by theholymackerel
4 litres of molassas, 2 kilos of sugar, and a tablespoon of bakers yeast will make a very nice rum wash. Mix to a total volume of 18 litres and let fully ferment. Run through a potstill twice, and cut to drinkin' strength.

I wish ya luck.