RumRunner Recipe
Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:47 pm
Taken from this post
I want to make my first mesh and I want to make "Rum"
WhiteLightning says that he needs these ingredients, but the thing is that I live in Costa Rica (Central America) and is hard to find "White Labs High Gravity Yeast". Can I replace it with Bread / Bakery yeast?, If yes, what quantity I need to use?
I can find locally Molasses from sugar cain, that is used to feed Cows and other animals. Will this molasses work? or I need to replace it too.?
WhiteLightning wrote: This is ma personal recipe for some of the best rum mash, i've ever produced.
12.5 Lbs of Molasses
5 Gal of tap water
1 Large Lemon
1 Large Orange
1 Cup of White Labs High Gravity Yeast (Super Yeast)
(Recipe was cut down from my original mash of 12 gal)
The molasses I bought was from a local feed store in the form of a 5 gal bucket for $18 USD. I knew this was good molasses cause it smell fine, and the first bucket exploded on me when i opened it up in ma truck bed. Anyway, I added 15lbs of molasses into a 5 gal bucket then filled it up with water, then pitched my cup of super yeast. 4 days later I dumped the mash into a 12 gal fermenter and added the rest of the molasses and top her of with water. Left the fermenter in 80* + weather for bought a week and it was ready to be racked, sparkaloided, and distilled.
I want to make my first mesh and I want to make "Rum"
WhiteLightning says that he needs these ingredients, but the thing is that I live in Costa Rica (Central America) and is hard to find "White Labs High Gravity Yeast". Can I replace it with Bread / Bakery yeast?, If yes, what quantity I need to use?
I can find locally Molasses from sugar cain, that is used to feed Cows and other animals. Will this molasses work? or I need to replace it too.?