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Hello all!

Post by tolbers1 »

Hi everyone, my name is Scott O. I have been distilling for a year or so. I'vebeen very lucky with the pot still I constructed. I distill 4 gal. at a time and usually get about a gallon of product from the wash. I only keep 3 quarts from each run and throw everything else into the next run. I've recently decided to build a column in an attempt to have a higher proof product. My runs now (after discarding the first 150 mL) start around 140 and I stop collecting at 100 or so. Any advice on the best design for a column? I've seen some plans but am curious what will give me the best results. Advice....... Go!
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Re: Hello all!

Post by pounsfos »

Welcome aboard

Sounds like you're on to it, I would collect down to about 40proof (20%) and keep that as fients, and then when you have enough of that, do an all fients run, you'll get some good stuff

Ever thought of adding a thumper onto your still to get the purity up, a good search will find what your after,

good luck
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Re: Hello all!

Post by OlympicMtDoo »

Welcome to HD tolbers1, What type of column you will want to build depends on what type of drink you want to make, if whiskey is your thing just stick with a simple pot still, if you want vodka go with a Boka or some other kind of reflux. Keep practicing and learning and it will come to you. Good Luck :thumbup:
Sometimes I wonder why is that Frisbee getting bigger......and then it hits me.
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