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how long is malted corn good?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:42 am
by Rebel Gray
I have malted some corn, and dried and ground it up. How long will it last? It will be a while before my still is ready to go, but just wanted to see if I could make malt my own corn and hate to throw this away if it will last a long time. And any special requirements on storing it?

Re: how long is malted corn good?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:28 pm
by MadMasher
I've run into trouble trying to keep ground malt. It just didn't have the same potency(DP) it seemed. Unground malt I've had for over a year still works fine. I keep it dry, in sealed bags and at room temp in the dark with no issues. I've heard of people freezing it but then it gets wet when you bring it out. Even if it doesn't have the DP you can use it, just won't convert any starch, try it an see when you get around to it.

Re: how long is malted corn good?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:00 pm
by scout
I agree with mad masher on this one, if you want to store the malt, don't grind it, just dry it out and baggie it, place in cool, dark and dry space until needed. I've had some last for a little over a year this way. Of course it is always best to malt it as you need it, but this method works for when I have leftovers.

Re: how long is malted corn good?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:05 pm
by DAD300
+1 as long as you don't grind it and keep it dry and mold free.