My pot still, my product
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:04 pm
I learned so much about making good spirits from this forum and community so I decided to share my findings and experience with you. I’m using a 5 gal still pot bough from ebay for $250. It is a double cooling system, very efficient for small batches heated with an induction cooktop ($100). The advantage of using an induction cooktop is that the temperature can be controlled very well and doesn’t vary. For strip runs I start with 500F till get to 75C reading on thermometer or first drops, it’s about 1 hour, and reducing the temp to 230F for entire strip run and collecting from 80-97C. For spirit runs I use the same method with difference that cooktop is set at 210F. For example a 16L UJSSM strip run is done in 8 hours and get about 3L high wines. After 4 strip runs I add everything collected in the pot and do the spirit run and get about 6L of good product and 2L of feints.
For fermenting I’m using a 50L carboy for neutral runs (like BW) and 2 x 23L buckets for UJSSM. When I run a neutral batch I collect the strip runs and add it into a 19L glass carboy and add 15g of potassium permanganate to separate the fusel oils from ethanol, and leave it to sediment for few days in a cold place. This method gives me a high yield. After that I filter the low wines through coffee filter and remove as much as I can the brown shit from the bottom and distill it two more times. After is done I do very tight cuts and keep the good stuff @ 65ABV in activated carbon for 2 weeks. After that filtering the carbon out and add the neutral in 1L mason jars (@ 800ml on each), add 5ml glycerin and nuke 2 times at two days interval. The outcome is very nice vodka.
For fermenting I’m using a 50L carboy for neutral runs (like BW) and 2 x 23L buckets for UJSSM. When I run a neutral batch I collect the strip runs and add it into a 19L glass carboy and add 15g of potassium permanganate to separate the fusel oils from ethanol, and leave it to sediment for few days in a cold place. This method gives me a high yield. After that I filter the low wines through coffee filter and remove as much as I can the brown shit from the bottom and distill it two more times. After is done I do very tight cuts and keep the good stuff @ 65ABV in activated carbon for 2 weeks. After that filtering the carbon out and add the neutral in 1L mason jars (@ 800ml on each), add 5ml glycerin and nuke 2 times at two days interval. The outcome is very nice vodka.