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I built a turbo thumper
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:12 pm
by Ashton23L
I built a turbo thumper, I used the same basic idea as the actual one. I enlarged my condenser because I had extra 1 1/2" pipe left over. But my first water run came out with a greenish tinge and smells like hose water. I poured in 8 gallons but only ran about a quart to half gallon as it was getting late and I was initially checking for leaks. I don't know how to post a picture, but I'll try this afternoon. Any ideas?
Re: I built a turbo thumper
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:30 pm
by Prairiepiss
First read the must read new distiller reading lounge. There you will find cleaning procedures for a new still.
And I've already pmed you about the safety issues and pore design of that still.
But here it is again. For the open forum to see.
The glass jar is considered unsafe and to small to be used as a thumper.
The glass can explode from the heat and any cooling of it. This will throw high ABV alcohol everywhere. Possible fire ball. And a thumper needs to be 1/3 to 1/2 the boiler size. Otherwise it will fill up and puke out the takeoff. Smaller thumper need a drain back to the boiler. With a vapor lock. Which you can't do with a glass jar.
And stopping in the middle of a run to dump it. Is not the answer.
Don't know what you used to seal the jar. But getting it to seal with materials approved around here. Isn't that easy.
It's a craptastic design. From a crook. That many of us would just love to see disappear. Unfortunately it won't. So we are left trying to get people like you to see it is a bad and unsafe design. And most of the time are met with resistance saying we dont know what we are talking about. But this forum is all about distilling the best you can and as safe as you can. And this still does neither.
Re: I built a turbo thumper
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:59 pm
by Halfbaked
Is a turbo thumper one of those glass quart jar things?
Re: I built a turbo thumper
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:45 am
by skow69
Sorry, but I gotta ask.
Ashton23L wrote:my first water run ... smells like hose water.
What did you expect it to smell like?
Re: I built a turbo thumper
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:38 am
by OlympicMtDoo
stilldrinkin realmccoymoonshinestills rkhelp bluegrassmoonsh Here is a great thread, you could read for a month here about the amazing Turbo thumper and the fellas that make them but it should only take a day or two. Good luck