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smell and taste question ujssm

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:03 am
by sunshine1101
Racked 20 gallons of 5th gen ujssm wash this morn it had a very different smell and taste this round. Tasted alot less like beer and more like dry wine or vinager. I am 1 gallon into a strip run and the taste is much more heated to my tongue than the previous runs and has a slight smell/taste of rubbing alcohol. I am collecting at about 65% right now (cooled abv). My mash was started at 1.080 and finished at 1.000 and fermented for 6 days and settled for one at an average temp of 70°.

Not sure if this is the normal taste evolution......

Re: smell and taste question ujssm

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:22 am
by bellybuster
1 gallon into a strip of 20 gallons you are most likely still in's gonna be hot

Re: smell and taste question ujssm

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:46 am
by sunshine1101
Understood, my point being it is considerably more bitter this go round

Re: smell and taste question ujssm

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:36 pm
by MadMasher
As the generations go on the ABV goes up because of the alcohol left in the fermenter with the corn. Lessen the amount of sugar you add back to it as you go through the generations. Also try to start with a low ABV in the beginning.

That's my guess anyway, a bit of stress on the yeast. There could also be less nutrients present and less corn "flavoring". Also maybe some PH issues, but sounds to have fermented out fine.