F*ck that shoulder shit!

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F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Odin »

Some of you may know I had some serious shoulder problems. Playing tennis, boxing and kayaking do that to you. Or to me. Even just at age 45. Or so they tell me. Who? The doctors. Long story short? I had two shoulder surgeries last year. And an operation on my right middle finger just two months ago. So tonight, after feeling less and less pain for weeks, I decided to resume my Aikido lessons. Over the last years I learned to love that sport. But after tonights training, I had to realize: last time, finished, shoulder "kaput". After just two excercises, just ten minutes. F*ck that shit. And excuse my language. I am SO disappointed. What's next? I feel like a crippled guy. Hell, I am a crippled guy! Crippled shoulders, if that exists. Disappointed? I guess angry would be a better word to describe how I feel. Blowing off some steam here. Hope you guys don't mind. Right now I could punch a hole in a wall. If only my shoulders and finger would allow it.

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by midwest shinner »

Man Odin I'm really sorry to hear that your injuries have caused you to stop doing something that you love. I know exactly how that feels. I've been an avid skateboarder since i was 10 years old. And although skateboarding has destroyed my knees and ankles, i was still devestated when i realized i couldn't do it anymore after sustaining permanent nerve damage to my right foot when a 3000lb pallet crushed it at work. I'm only 29years old! And that's only scratching the surface of my health issues, for my age i feel I'm falling apart, and although i have other hobbies that i can still do, none give me the satisfaction and sense of freedom that skateboarding did. Anyway, not trying to make this about me, I'm just saying that i know how ya feel, and I'm sorry. Keep your chin up
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by ga flatwoods »

Stiff armed a head on in 1985. Hit a wheel broke off of a big rig. Wrapped that steering wheel on the 72 dodge ram up like a ten speed handlebar. Bother me everyday sometimes more sometimes less. Replacement for both if I live long enough. Must be married now on account of it as lefty is tired every night and rightie has a headache! Feel your pain brother.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by aquavita »

Odin - Understand the frustration.

Dislocated my foot damn near off my leg about 4 weeks ago. It was a very "3rd-person" feeling looking at my foot flop like a flipper when asked to do something. Then the swelling hit and fixated itself a good 2 inches inward, completely misaligned. Doc had my under the knife the very next morning.

So I am looking at another 4 to 6 weeks of not driving & walking around on crutches. Don't mind the crutches, but to have to depend on someone to go anywhere or do anything. So I feel your frustration.

On another note - has spring hit your spot on the globe yet? Our tulips are yet to poke out / sprout. Usually they are at least spots of green in the tulip garden.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Coyote »

My wife has said when I die she is not going
to bury me - She's calling the scrap yard!!

Pins in my left hip, cross wired to hold it together - healed years ago

Plate in my neck fusion of C-4, C-5

Just had 2 plates and seven screws removed from my lower left leg
on the 28th of Feb. after a ATV crash in 08

Man has 12 ribs - I got one that I ain't broke yet all the rest at least once
Sternum broke once - torn twice, can't work over my head any more than
15 minutes or the shoulder pain puts me back a week.

Lost count of the number of stitches some where in the 80's, Don't pick guitar
anymore due to the crooked fingers - yes all of them.
I feel your pain pard, but one does keep kicking that pig down the road.

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by junkyard dawg »


I understand your pain. I have had 3 surgeries on my right shoulder and it took a long time, but it got better.

Do your exercises and take your time. It will get better. :thumbup:
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by bellybuster »

In the same boat here, can't row anymore, I now coxie for the young rowers due to shoulder issues that I'm afraid to see the doc about. A life of military doctors has me scared of anything doc related. No offence to any here if there is any.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by LWTCS »

Less Akido,,, More Tai chi.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Doogie »

Keep yer wife around ... seems like yer shoulders and hand will not tolerate the single life for a while yet ... ;) :O

Take it easy let it heal ... bodies have a way of reminding us we are human, even when we think we have healed fully
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by heartcut »

Sorry about your pain and hope it gets better.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Bushman »

I live on Glucosamine/Chondroitin. If there is ever a miracle pill this is it. My wife's cousin from Norway had hip problems started taking it and is pain free, takes about a month or two to kick in. I have a degenerating disk in my lower back and am now pain free. I don't think you can get it but her cousin buys it bulk when he visits and I take it to him when I visit. If interested I can bring some over this fall for you to try!
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Damn, we just a sick decrepid bunch. I've become accustomed to just directing what energies I have left in other directions. Building a still was a challenge, but by God I did it. If it comes to laying on my back and flipping the pages of a book, then bring it on. Don't give up - find something you CAN do.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Truckinbutch »

Coyote wrote:My wife has said when I die she is not going
to bury me - She's calling the scrap yard!!

Pins in my left hip, cross wired to hold it together - healed years ago

Plate in my neck fusion of C-4, C-5

Just had 2 plates and seven screws removed from my lower left leg
on the 28th of Feb. after a ATV crash in 08

Man has 12 ribs - I got one that I ain't broke yet all the rest at least once
Sternum broke once - torn twice, can't work over my head any more than
15 minutes or the shoulder pain puts me back a week.

Lost count of the number of stitches some where in the 80's, Don't pick guitar
anymore due to the crooked fingers - yes all of them.
I feel your pain pard, but one does keep kicking that pig down the road.

Coyote and I could be twins by different mothers . I add bad lungs to the list . Creeping up on 64 and I find ways to get jobs done that I have to do , just takes longer . Focusing on what I can accomplish instead of what I can't keeps me on a positive note .
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by corene1 »

Why heck, I am doing pretty darned good then. Sure don't have to worry about any of you men chasing me around the liars bench that's for sure. I too studied Aikido for awhile, it looks quite graceful but is really hard on the joints especially if someone gets a little over zealous during a session. So sorry to hear you can't enjoy it anymore but there are many other options out there. When my ankle finally gave out and couldn't run to well, I turned to cycling. Very easy on the joints , relieves stress and a good workout too!
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by midwest shinner »

Good call corene, when i couldn't skate anymore i got into cycling. I ride a single speed fixed gear, but it does have a flip-flop hub in case i want to change it to a free wheel for an easier ride... that's my new outdoor hobby. I have been playing disc golf for years but repetitive motion at work has led to tennis elbow in my dominant arm and carpal tunnel in my wrists, so that's likely no longer an option either.I've gotta say riding a bike on a beautiful day is a very peaceful, rewarding form of exercise.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Truckinbutch »

:lolno: Corene , just don't get so complacent . Old age and trickery will prevail over youthful exuberance . We , some of us , are sneaky old bastards :twisted:
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by corene1 »

Truckinbutch wrote::lolno: Corene , just don't get so complacent . Old age and trickery will prevail over youthful exuberance . We , some of us , are sneaky old bastards :twisted:
I bet you are , but don't forget I am no spring chicken either and have seen my share of sneak attacks. We will see how sharp you are , I was born when Chevrolet introduced the 265 V-8 engine. That should be easy for you fellas. Don't use Google to cheat. I should have used something like the easy bake oven but that would have been too hard for you. :D
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by jholmz »

i feel your pain odin i just had shoulder surgery myself for a torn Labum and its no fun just started physical therapy, ive had 3 sessions to try to get back to work and theyre saying another 6 weeks before theyll even think of letting me go back on light duty
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by midwest shinner »

I did cheat corene, but you're still not that old. Although you might be considered a cougar if you went for someone my age( I was born right around when the Bears won their last Superbowl...) Anyway, I've heard many times that age is a state of mind. But boy do I feel old as s#*t somedays...
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F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Infraction »

Hey Fred, Fuck That Rehab Shit, Cause I don't know if I want peace that bad. Seems that I'm so comfortable so uncomfortable inside. And everyone else gets so damn mad
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Truckinbutch »

corene1 wrote:
Truckinbutch wrote::lolno: Corene , just don't get so complacent . Old age and trickery will prevail over youthful exuberance . We , some of us , are sneaky old bastards :twisted:
I bet you are , but don't forget I am no spring chicken either and have seen my share of sneak attacks. We will see how sharp you are , I was born when Chevrolet introduced the 265 V-8 engine. That should be easy for you fellas. Don't use Google to cheat. I should have used something like the easy bake oven but that would have been too hard for you. :D
Sheeit , kid . My dad bought a Belaire with the big carb and 3 spd overdrive 'Pike's Peak Special' that year . Was a runnin somagun ! You the same age as my current trophy wife :) She's used to sneak attacks , too .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Odin »

I am sorry to see I am not the only one with these problems! Any how, thanks for the wisdom shared. Yes, it is the miles that count, not the years. And if I look at my endeavours, adventures, sport, life in general, I should be 90 instead of 45. And for a 90 year old, I guess I have little to complain. Bushman, if the pain continues, I will try your pills!

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by heartcut »

Bushman wrote:I live on Glucosamine/Chondroitin. If there is ever a miracle pill this is it.
+1, sure works for my old ass.

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Bushman »

It's expensive to buy at Drug stores but very reasonable at Costco.
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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Rivver »

I'm at the ripe age of "almost 40" with two older brothers that are both in better shape than I am. But I've always been the one to beat the shit out of myself through out life. Had my knee scoped twice already from an old football injury, got a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder from beatin the shit out of a guy in a bar fight back when I was Superman!! And over the past 3 years I've developed a pinched nerve somewheres in my back. Docs say then next thing for my knee is replacement, surgery on my shoulder, and I won't even tell them about my back even though every morning I have stingers running down my legs to my feet for 30 minutes until I get moving. It sucks to get old, but damnit I'm not that old yet. It hasn't limited me too much with the things I like to do. I spend a lot of time outdoors usually hunting or fishing, and it's slowed me way down from my younger days, but I still can manage.

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by rtalbigr »

LWTCS wrote:Less Akido,,, More Tai chi.
I couldn't agree more. Tai chi is much easier on your body and will really help with your flexibility. There is a group in Amsterdam that does the same tai chi that I do.


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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Odin »

Thanks Big R. Before I can do anything ... I need that shoulder to get much better than it is right now. Thursday I will visit an osteopath. Let's see if that helps. Pain is getting worse as we speak.

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by hitek redneck »

Sorry to hear Odin, I feel your pain though. had 3 ligaments torn off in my shoulder and had to get them all reclamped on and 1/2 in of collar bone taken out to adjust for the shortness. Doc says I now have the shoulder of a 65yr old man (only 40). You might get lucky. I have been living with this for about 7 years now and have really learned to work smart not hard and it does seem to help. I even started bow hunting again just had to get the right type of release for my bow. So my advice is chin up, think positive thoughts and you might just find yourself back in your old sports. Maybe not Olympic caliber but not armchair quarterback caliber either.

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by rtalbigr »

Odin wrote:Thanks Big R. Before I can do anything ... I need that shoulder to get much better than it is right now. Thursday I will visit an osteopath. Let's see if that helps. Pain is getting worse as we speak.

Know what you're going thru, Odin. I've had my shoulder's hurt so much I couldn't lift my arms. Steroid shots are wonderful!

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Re: F*ck that shoulder shit!

Post by Jimbo »

I can comiserate with you and the others here Odini. Shoulder operated on twice after a nasty snow skiing accident. Left knee has no cartilage left after a tear and surgery. Right knee shredded my ACL and had surgery to put an achilles tendon from a cadaver in to replace the ACL. I used to enjoy running, ran marathons like a loony for a while, it was how I offset too much beer drinking LOL. No more running tho with my shite knees. And cycling doesnt burn the calories like running. Cutting down on the brew isint an option, so the belly is looking a little, well, not little these days. sa la vie. F*ck it, weiner still works so all is not lost, yet. Anyway, I digress....
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