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Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:15 am
by NC_redcock
Morning fellas, I'm trying to figure out how to infuse a strong honey flavor into my whiskey, as honey whiskey is one of my favorite things, I've got the whiskey part down, but I need to get the flavor truly infused rather than adding the honey to the Whiskey because of clouding and texture issues, lets just say that I'm a perfectionist. I searched with the words honey infusion on here and lets just say that those two words are incredibly popular so I'm getting a large amount of results that don't really talk about what I'm attempting to do. I run a 10 gallon copper pot still. Any ideas?

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:27 am
by dakotasnake
i have in the past infused honey in bourbon by mixing the honey with a little water, nuking in the microwave till its dissolved then add to the likker. try a small amount in a test jar 1st to see if that works for you. i didnt notice any discoloration.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:31 am
by NC_redcock
I've cooked it on the stove top, after about a week it started to settle and cloud up

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:51 am
by bellybuster
I think I would try a generous honey addition, leave sit for a spell, then freeze to force the solids out and pour off the honey "infused" likker. Maybe???

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:03 am
by NC_redcock
Never thought of freezing...

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:13 am
by NC_redcock
Do you think soaking oak chips in the honey and water solution and placing a basket inside the still would render better results?

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:24 am
by DuckofDeath
I believe honey vodka just adds raw honey to the ethanol. I wouldn't boil the honey as it will break down and no longer be "honey"

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:32 am
by Prairiepiss
Someone around here. Added some to the inside of their still? Maybe some on the packing at the top? I don't remember really well. But they said the flavor came through good. So maybe put some in a scrubby and shove it up in your still. Then run it.

Or add a bunch to some alcohol. Let it sit for a bit. Then run it through the still again.

Or just add it. Then chill filter it over and over and over.

It just live with the fact that honey will make it a little cloudy. LOL

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:37 am
by NC_redcock
This is what I get when I just add the honey to the ethanol after about a week, I could strain it out through a coffee filter but I was hoping there was a more scientific approach to getting flavor without having to filter...

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:59 am
by DuckofDeath
I would treat it like Mead. Add it and let it clear, then pump off the top and drink.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:01 am
by T-Pee
DuckofDeath wrote:I would treat it like Mead. Add it and let it clear, then pump off the top and drink.
Any way you look at it, honey has solids that must be dealt with somehow.


Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:21 am
by NC_redcock
True enough, filtering is probably the cheapest way to go and still get the most yield, thanks y'all

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:31 am
by craftstiller
Just do a mash with honey malt, should do the trick.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:57 am
by NC_redcock
The flavor of the honey in a honeymalt wouldn't quite do it, I've used several different malts but the honey flavor I'm chasing is one that is pretty evident, and by the time a double/triple distill most of the flavor profiles are gone.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:41 am
by craftstiller
Then i would wait until your primary fermentation is over with. then add some honey and let it sit on that for a few days. seperate the wash then distill it. Unless you are looking for a way to add honey into it after you have already distilled it. Or just add it on top of the wash in the still.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:42 pm
by NZChris
Make mead, then use the mead to cut it.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:47 pm
by slinging
Do a honey shine wash 1 qt honey per 1 1/2 gallon of water you could do more honey if you like

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:08 am
by superdaveva
This is what I get when I just add the honey to the ethanol after about a week,
Should have been gone by then

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:46 am
by bellybuster
Toss that shine in the freezer and the solids harden up on the bottom, you should be able to pour off relatively clear honey shine.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:37 am
by still_stirrin
I'm not experienced, but I wonder if a honey-based thumper charge would carry over the aromatics and subtle flavors to you product condenser.

Experts . . . any thoughts here?

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:57 pm
by NZChris
I've just had a couple of attempts at getting close to Glayva.

#1: UJSSM mixed grain whiskey + Joe's Ancient Orange Mead + bush honey for sweetening
Honey was too strong. Cleared, but a lot of sediment.

#2: UJSSM mixed grain whiskey + Joe's Ancient Orange Mead + simple syrup for sweetening
Still good honey flavor, but not as overpowering. Clear, no sediment.
Very nice

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:20 pm
by TDick
I'm giving this a bump to see if anyone is doing anything with honey, besides Mead.
I was curious about Dixie Vodka because I had never heard of them but they sponsored last week's NASCAR race.
So I looked and saw this on their website:
Wildflower Honey Vodka

I have a friend that has hives producing honey and is interested in "the hobby".

They don't discuss how they make their "Honey Vodka" but this seems like a lot of "infusions" being marketed these days
- a lot of hype and a big pain in the butt.

Seems to me it would be easier mixing up a cocktail with some hearts & honey.
Am I missing something?

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:08 pm
by Tummydoc
Its odd that their honey vodka is clear. I would have thought it would be amber, unless there's not that much honey in a fifth. I add about 1/3 cup honey to a fifth of whiskey and about 1.5 oz of cinnamon essence (think fireball). Takes a fair/young whiskey to awesome if you have a sweet tooth.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:22 pm
by Saltbush Bill
Some honeys are very pale in colour Doc.....maybe they are using one of those.
Orange Blosom honey as an example.
Maybe they are running honey and neutral through a pot ......gin style.....then using the results to blend into vodka.... that might also give a clear spirit with a honey taste......lots of possibilitys

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:31 pm
by jonnys_spirit
I’ve done straight pot stilled honey likker and love it as well as apple/honey and also did a barley mashed with hot apple cider and topped with honey and water to get a blend of the three and get the SG to about 10%. Honey is a bit expensive but I do recommend it. An apple/honey/barley mash cooking up is probably the best smell in the world. Next time I might throw a minimal amount of cinnamon into the mash or low wines for a very subtle bump.


Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:57 pm
by TDick
still_stirrin wrote: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:37 am I'm not experienced, but I wonder if a honey-based thumper charge would carry over the aromatics and subtle flavors to you product condenser.

Experts . . . any thoughts here?
SS, I know this is an old post, but any more thoughts on it.
I would think a thump charge would be the only practical thought.

Also, I looked and their Wildflower Honey Vodka is less than $20 a bottle.
This place in Georgia has it for $15 Jax's Spirits
(makes me sad to look at their prices! :( )
So however they're doing it, I don't believe they're adding much honey to it.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:06 pm
by NZChris
If you use honey it will have pollen and wax in it, so if you want clear product by doing an infusion, I wish you good luck but I don't like your chances.

Talk to your local bee-keepers. Do they have sugary wash water that they will let you have? My local apiarists already have stills, so I'm out of luck.

Re: Honey Infusion

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:03 pm
by Corn Crib
Interesting Australian article about Chinese fake honey. Even mentions them turning starches to sugar then feeding that to their bees rather than the bees finding flower nectar.

Also heard that the Chinese have another process of slightly burning HFCS to get a honey type flavor.