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Do I need a new worm

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:05 pm
by Trap4fur
I bought a pot still thump and worm. It's a 20 gal still the worm is in a copper pail looks like 1 gallon size and the copper coil looks small maybe 1/4" id or 3/8". There are 6 coils about the size of a 2 liter pop bottle it just looks to small but I don't no I never did this before what do you think help plse

Re: Do I need a new worm

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:08 pm
by bellybuster
there;s a calculator on the parent site but just from the description sound quite a bit tiny.

Re: Do I need a new worm

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:39 pm
by Prairiepiss
A 20 gal boiler with thumper and a one gallon flakestand? Where did you get this from?

I would suggest you build a flakestand at least as big as the boiler. Bigger would be better. And I would go at least 1/2" for the worm. Use the calculator to figure out how long to make it.

Oh forgot to ask. And scared to but. How big is the thumper? If its not around 10 gallons. It should also be replaced.

Re: Do I need a new worm

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 5:44 am
by Hound Dog
I didnt use a calculator and it does not have to be this big but it works great. I used 50' of 1/2" id in a 20 gallon container for my 19 gallon boiler. If I did it over, I would use a 32 gallon container for it.

Re: Do I need a new worm

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 4:41 pm
by ErickPanther_1
I have a 5 gallon pot and about the same size stand. Too small for my little guy so probably way to small for your 20! Just realized it was an old posy did you come up with temedy?