Sacrificial run through Boka in real time- feedback?

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Sacrificial run through Boka in real time- feedback?

Post by PsychDoc »

Ok, it's over now but here are the notes, such as they are. If you catch me I'm running the pot right now,
On with the show...
Cleaning run
1 gal water, 750ml wash just because it was there, 500 ml fores or early heads, seemed good for a sacrificial run
Equalized at 174.2-4 seems a SLIGHT Vapor puff
5-10 min, still at 174, output water around 110f
20 min, boredom takes over and the valve is cracked temp sitting at 173.8f
Drips counted 2/sec
Temp fluctuates about .1f up and down
I should note real time, it's 1:44 temp sits at 173.7 , outside temp warm, like 82f
Slightly breezy, not wind. Stlii haven't collected 100ml. This is not a sport for the ADHD among us.
1:57, still bored, 173.9f, playing with my mad scientist glassware tested proof- 182 wtf?
Shouldn't it be higher?

All vapor is gone by the way, I chalk it up to getting stabilized, and have zero reason to believe that.
Ok 2:10, still bored, I'm turning up the out put... 10 drips 3.75 sec.
I'm i to stand and stare at this thing? I want my burner back, I have some wash to run.
Temp dropping, why? Out of propane! Wait, now it's going up?
2:22, 174.6, close valve and wait
Stable at 174.4, open valve, drip rate... 10 drips, under 3 sec.
2:32, temp spiked to 181, shut valve, stabilize
This must be tails, or not, 184 -185, fairly quick drip.
2:38 up to 190 but all over the place.
2:46 temp holding at, ok that's not true, 207- 200, yes that's backwards
Coming off hot, to be expected, around 100 proof, but that's measured at 110f I suppose I would keep collecting.
Ok I'm bored, it is now 2:57, I'm going to keep going a bit if only to run out my propane, temp 208-209, smells like wet, something? Dog, cardboard? Feet?
How much do I lose if the product steams? I collected about the same as I put in. But as many times as I transferred from one container to the next with a drip here or there I guess it makes sense. I know strait water stabilizes at 210 on my thermometer so 208 must have something?
Ok 3:05 I'm done, this is a waste to continue, and I have other things to do. I think I have the general idea, I need to make something I can consume.
It was a tumultuous time for our nation: the clear beverage craze gave us all a reason to live. The information superhighway showed the average person what some nerd thinks about Star Trek. And the domestication of the dog continued unabated.
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