howdy yall fron the swamps of louisiana
Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:24 am
howdy everyone newbie from southern Louisiana . well yall i came across this sight last night and after reading a lot of extremely interesting posts so i had to join . so a little bout me ... well im originally grew up most of my life deep in the woods of southern Mississippi where we were about an hour from any town so living off the land and being self sufficient was a way of life , then as times changed and well being a slave to the dollar i had to move where i am now but still keeping my way of life as i was raised to we still live off the land and now water too . got me a good old fashioned coonass ( for some that is wondering what a coonass is its just what some people call these southern Louisiana folks ) for a wife and 3 kids all of them are learning to be self sufficient n live off the land as well . now i got to say im a terrible speller and a VERY slow at typing so due to that i usually dont post too much but i do try to get involved from time to time. i have been brewing my own beer and wine for some time now and have been wanting to try something new like a pot still which is exactly how i found this sight . so yall will here from me soon as i try to build a pot still and need some worthy advise . im going to try n take pictures as i go into my new adventure and would appreciate any feedback . i do have a bit of a head start with a big selection of pots so im going to use my 36 quart and go from there. thank yall for reading