Hard Lemonaide

Alcoholic beverages which are not classified as spirits.

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Johnny Reb
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Hard Lemonaide

Post by Johnny Reb »

This is for a simple Hard Lemonaide and is quite easy to make

1 Gallon Batch

1.5 Pounds Sugar
1 Gallon Lemonaide
1 tsp Yeast Neutrant or 3/4 tsp DAP
1 Pk Wine Yeast (Makes 6 Gallons)

Multiply all ingrediants by the number of gallons except the yeast for larger batches

Mix Sugar and Lemonaide in primary and let stand till room temp then add neutraint and yeast.

Let ferment for about 4 to 7 days or SG has dropped to 1.025 and then rack to secondary and put under airlock till dry.

Stabilize and let sit another 2 weeks.

Its now ready to drink or you can add sugar till you like it :)

I made 5 Gallons last year around the 4th July and it lasted about 1 week with me and all my neighbors drinking it. Then they wanted me to make more.

Johnny Reb
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Post by Rotgut »

With this recipe do you use lemonade with NO preservatives?

Post by DAN »

I'm trying to make this, but it just wont start the ferment. It has lots of nutrients, and lots of yeast, but it isn't starting the ferment.

The juice being used is costco's bulk lemon juice concentrate.
Johnny Reb
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Post by Johnny Reb »

Rotgut wrote:With this recipe do you use lemonade with NO preservatives?
Correct. You can use a concentrate but make sure their is no preservitives like Potassium Sorbate in the ingrediants label

I have made about 10 different batches of this and they all seemed to take about 3 days to start fermentation

Johnny Reb
Southern Cookin, Southern Bell, Southern Whiskey... Damn, I cant figure out the right order.....

Save the Confederate Dollars, The south is beginning to rise again.....
Ky Ridgerunner
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Pink lemonade

Post by Ky Ridgerunner »

I had made a batch of yeast for another recipe and feed it until it was about 3 times bigger than normal, used half of that in the grape wine and half in your hard lemon aide recipe. I used the pink Crystal Lite, made it according to directions and added the remainder of the yeast. It took a couple of days to start working but it seems to be doing fine now.
16 gal. s/s beer keg reflux still
I'm using a food grade 18 gallon plastic barrel. Ring seal with a air lock.
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Re: Hard Lemonaide

Post by YeahItsStrong »

What kind of lemonade do you prefer to use?

Do you have to use the yeast nutrients?
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Re: Hard Lemonaide

Post by 19Kilo »

Im on batch #3 of my mikes experiments.

3 cans Old Orchard Lemonade concentrate
1/4# LME
water up to an OG of 1.110, just a little more than a gallon
airated overnight

try1: pitch of rehydrated 118. attenuated down to a 1.005
try2: pitch of rehydrated D47. Took off poorly, added another pack. attenuated down to 1.010
try3: pitch of rehydrated 116... fermenting nicely.

After an extended secondary to clear, the first 2 were given the k-meta crash, a 1 gallon backsweeten of lemonade made per the directions was added, and were force carbed. They both dissapeared quickly... the neibors loved it.
Gonna do the same with the current batch, but maybe use another backsweeten, like flavored iced tea.

When purchasing your concentrates, go for Old Orchard. If thats not available, get anything with NO preservatives, NO Corn Syrups, and NO other types of non-natural crap.
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Re: Hard Lemonaide

Post by jeger »

For my hard lemon-limeaid, i use 50oz neutral spirits, 4 cups sugar, 64oz lemon juice, 12oz sweetened lime juice, and then top off the keg to 5gal, carbonate under 10-12psi. i also add some potassium sorbate to keep it from fermenting the sugar. Good recipe if you also make beer and have the kegs and a kegerator.
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Re: Hard Lemonaide

Post by punkin »

jeger wrote:For my hard lemon-limeaid, i use 50oz neutral spirits, 4 cups sugar, 64oz lemon juice, 12oz sweetened lime juice, and then top off the keg to 5gal, carbonate under 10-12psi. i also add some potassium sorbate to keep it from fermenting the sugar. Good recipe if you also make beer and have the kegs and a kegerator.

Do you carbonate that the same as your beer, jeger?

Might give it a whirl, i have a stack of Lime and Lemon juice in my freezer from the fruit this season.

When i carbonate my beer, i put it in the keg hot in the fridge, then hit it with 55 psi on my gauge for 2 days. Let the excess gas out, then use another cylinder to push it out, just cracked enough to give it a little pressure. Get's the beer carbonated and holding a head about the same as a beer on tap in the pub.

What strength is your neutral when you put it in there? And what alchohol % is the finnished brew?
I don't have a brew shop, where would i get pottasium sorbate?
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Re: Hard Lemonaide

Post by jeger »

i get my potassium sorbate from http://www.morebeer.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow.
I'm still new to distilling, so the 1500w hotplate i got from brewhaus, although i hooked it up to run full out all the time, still doesnt have a light dimmer on it. My spirits come out around 85%, so the lemonaide is about 6-7%.
I just let the keg sit in the fridge at 10-12 psi for 3-4 days. Dont have a problem with it adding flavors to my beer, that i've noticed, like soda pop will do.
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