New VA Distiller

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New VA Distiller

Post by Gator »

Hey Folks,

Wanted to take a moment and introduce myself to the community. I've been reading/researching/reviewing this forum for a few weeks, but now that I'm set up and starting my first vinegar run today, I figured it's the perfect time to officially register. I've brewed beer for a few years, but I've always predominantly been a fan of bourbon (and hell, most high quality spirits). There's nothing better than a glass of Four Roses and a stogie to seal up the day if you ask me.

There's obviously a wealth of information out there, but Matthew Rowley's "Moonshine" and Bryan Davis' "How to Make Whiskey" have been particularly helpful in establishing a decent background on the subject so far. In terms of equipment, I purchased a 5 gallon alembic copper still. Fortunately, they had a decent sale at the time. I know most folks use a variety of heating elements, but I'm trying my hand with an 1,800 watt induction cooktop since it offers good temperature control and some better efficiency than other potential methods (using the induction interface desk obviously since my copper still isn't, well, stainless steel).

I didn't want to work with anything fancy the first few times, so my initial batch will be a simple moonshine/sugar wash. I started fermentation on 8 June, so it has another 1/2-1 week left. In the mean time, I'm completing my first cleansing/vinegar run as we speak, which should be done in the next hour or so. Based on your recommendations, I'll pick up some cheap booze to follow up after this vinegar cleanse as my 'sacrificial run". Much to the chagrin of our respective wives, my brother and I have similar tastes in alcoholic hobbies (and drinking), so both of us purchased the same still to explore this journey together. It'll be fun to compare notes and exchange best practices while we both learn the process. In any case, I've droned on long enough for an intro post...I look forward to bouncing ideas off you in the future and being a part of this forum - cheers!
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Re: New VA Distiller

Post by acfixer69 »

Welcome to the show. Lots of learning coming in your future. Your beer brewing will help you in the future here. First thing is the hot plate is a poor choice for heat source. Having heat control is of no value when distilling heat input ie power management is what you need there are many thread on that.

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Re: New VA Distiller

Post by Gator »

AC, thanks for the welcome. I've definitely read a great deal of the pros / cons and will likely move on to a more efficient heat source in the future. I was hoping to use the induction burner as a temporary indoor mechanism in the short term while still experimenting and getting used to the practice itself. All of the DIY modifications you guys have retrofitted to your setups is mind boggling and impressive...looking forward to using those plans down the road.
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Re: New VA Distiller

Post by Halfbaked »

Welcome Gator! There are some really special setups here. ACfixer is right hot plate is not to great of a choice.
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