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does this sound typical?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:55 pm
by swamper
I have been playing with this for a while now. i do a lot of reading but very little posting on here.
I have an 8 gal reflux system and I can get pretty good stuff but it seems like it comes off different from what I read others do.
when i make a run ( 6 gal) it goes exactly the same every time, I make 1/2 pint cuts I throw out the 1st 250 ml for foreshots, then the first 1/2 pint is about 180 proof then the next 4 are in the 190 range i can smell some heads in the first one but not much then I'll get a 1/2 pt with a faint smell of tails at 175-80 proof then the next one will drop to 150 or so and smell strong of tails then it drops to almost nothing in the next pint and really smells so I quit then. But when I read others post the make cuts a lot farthe down than that but doesn't seem to happen with mine at 150 proof it just gose to almost nothing in 1/2 pint. I was just wondering if that sounds right

Re: does this sound typical?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:22 pm
by rad14701
What recipe are you running...??? What is the total volume that you collect...??? 8 - 9 half pints...??? Almost sounds low for a 6 gallon boiler charge...

Re: does this sound typical?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:26 pm
by T-Pee
What's the SG of your ferment?


Re: does this sound typical?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:13 pm
by swamper
I have mostly done birdwachers and wineos, the one I ran today was a thing I tried with rice to see what i i could do but I don't tnink I got it converted right seems like i got almsot exactly what I would have gotten with the sugar alone.
i was in a hutty and didn't check the sg this time so i'm not sure what I started out with.

Re: does this sound typical?

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:08 pm
by Prairiepiss
swamper wrote:I have mostly done birdwachers and wineos, the one I ran today was a thing I tried with rice to see what i i could do but I don't tnink I got it converted right seems like i got almsot exactly what I would have gotten with the sugar alone.
i was in a hutty and didn't check the sg this time so i'm not sure what I started out with.
Because unless you mashed the rice with enzymes. All you fermented was the sugar you added.