I've built a StillMaker Valved Reflux still, got it all soldered up, I'm now at the point to mount the 1/4" needle valves on the 2" cap... Wondering how I should go about that to make it watertight... I realize brass will not be soldered like copper will, so I'm unsure about how to proceed, I've got some holes drilled but I'm not sure if I should just drip solder around the brass fittings???
Connecting 1/4" Needle Valves to Condenser Cap
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Re: Connecting 1/4" Needle Valves to Condenser Cap
No. Don't drip solder. Solder bonds through capilary action. It requires sufficient heat and cannot take place in the presence of contaminants. Clean, flux, heat, apply solder. If you are uncomfortable with that, try pretending it isn't brass. Don't overthink it and psych yourself out.
Distilling at 110f and 75 torr.
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I'm not an absinthe snob, I'm The Absinthe Nazi. "NO ABSINTHE FOR YOU!"