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Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:54 pm
by islandgreen1971
My first AG fermented out @ 4.5 %. So I read you can put the non iodized salt in your mash to raise the boiling temp of water. It also supposed to make your cuts more easier and a better tasting distillate. My question is, Do I put it in my thumper charge as well? 2.5 gallon thumper with a 10 gallon boiler, usually use my mash with about 20 abv in it. Thx if anybody could help!!"

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:24 pm
by islandgreen1971
Also, I live @ Sea level so , ditillation temps are higher, thats the reason Im adding the non iodized salt and because it says itmakes for a better product.

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:45 am
by W Pappy
Ain't never heard of adding salt wouldn't do it.And that thumper is too small.

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:06 am
by DAD300
The sodium can also attack copper still and lead to blue distillate.

Let us know how it works.

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:50 am
by islandgreen1971
Didnt put dalt in my thumper, did add to my boiler. My first AG was awesome ! Even thogh I didnt get complete conversion, My propane didnt heat iver 165°. It was oldstove. Going to get the Banjo. Made good cuts, didnt get a whole lot, cause of low Abv, but got the best distilliate yet and the salt is on the HD page and made the cuts very dominate! Thx guys!!

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:40 pm
by Prairiepiss
A ferment that low. Would also make the cuts very dominant. So adding the salt may or maynot have helped. And truthfully I don't see how salt would help cuts? If you go by the theory you stated. It may help in separation of water and alcohol. Which would increase ABV takeoff. But wouldn't make a difference in cuts. Which are different alcohols.

Now adding salt to a liquid mixture. Would increase the boiling point of the liquid as a whole. Not just part of it. And you have to get the whole to boil. To get anything out. So if the whole liquid is boiling. You will be getting the same vapors as you would if you didn't add salt. They would just be a little hotter.

There are a lot of hokus pokus gimics out there. And yes even on the parent site. If you think you need to add something to the still charge. To get a better product. By all means have fun. Just keep in mind. You are trying for a specific flavor. And if you add something that has a flavor. It will disturb the flavors. Good bad or indifferent.

I guess what I'm trying to say is. There are many that don't add anything. And get perfectly good stuff out. And there are some who think they have to add this and that. To get perfectly good stuff. So if they both get perfectly good stuff. Who's right?

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:01 pm
by islandgreen1971
Pairiepiss , I read it on the parent site, and it actually stays in the boiler, thx for the reply. I had made my first AG in a Keggle and I couldnt get tje temp over 165° using a hands free drill agitatir from Pinto shine, so the Sg was low, buI put alot of time money and effort inti it, my borrowed burner was junk. Going to get the BanjoBurner fir the next one, Love my new hobby and I did get some excellent hearts out of it! Thank yal for the help, still learning!

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:54 am
by rad14701
Take off rate determines what stays in the boiler and what carries over into your spirits... You don't need salt so scrap making it a habit... If it was a magic bullet we'd all be using salt... It's not and we aren't... Go for the KISS concept instead...

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:26 pm
by islandgreen1971
Yea Rad, I just used it once because Im @a Sea level and I didnt have the big enough burner ti get the gelitzing temos I wanted, So I had a low abv on the OG. However, I got this from the oarent site and it did help with cuts, my hearts were amazing in my first AG! But, after several successful Ujssm's, Im just used it once, cause @a Sea kevel it didnt take off til 206°„ was just trying to pysh the boiling point of water up, if I read the oarent site correctly, thx rad for the reply, still learning!

Re: Putting non - Iodized salt in my Thumper mash also?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:35 pm
by islandgreen1971
After I thought about it, I askes a stupid question, but it did stay in the boiker, and made my cuts real clear in small jars.