Just saw this on the news...

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Just saw this on the news...

Post by Evan »

I saw this on the news today, apparently the virtues of home distilling have found their way into the illegal plant trade. The following is the copy of the article: MODESTO-

Modesto Police said they found a “unique” THC extraction lab this week.

An anonymous tip led investigators at a home on Fairfax Avenue, officers said.

Inside, police say they found a “pot rocket,” a dangerous, 9-foot-tall device used to extract a chemical in marijuana.

Officers say they also found two handguns, 184 pounds of processed pot and 254 cans of butane.

Two kids were also reportedly found living in the home.

Jeremy Ferguson, 29, was arrested on charges of manufacturing a controlled substance and possession of marijuana for sale. Wilson Vazquez, 27, was arrested on charges of manufacturing a controlled substance, possession of marijuana for sale, child endangerment and possession of a loaded firearm. Natalie Dearma, 28, was also arrested for child endangerment.

Police say equipment in the cold conversion lab cost around $25,000.

25k!? I have to assume local law enforcement know what they're talking about and are grossly exaggerating the cost of the "lab" they have pictured here. I realize it's obviously not a functioning distiller of anything, but you have to admit it looks like whomever built this thing sourced parts that were made specifically for our hobby. Any thoughts?
pot-rocket.jpg (37.86 KiB) Viewed 731 times
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Re: Just saw this on the news...

Post by moosemilk »

Didn't want to start an entire new thread, but this was news here in Canada. Keep ur mash barrels covered. And seriously, 90 days and 2 years probation? Wtf?

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/09/30 ... 09560.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: Just saw this on the news...

Post by bearriver »

There is a successful still manufacture near me that sells these devices. From what I understand of the process, this is an idiotic way to go about what it is they are trying to accomplish. It's not practical, or safe for either the manufacturer or the consumer. It is obvious these people are also using a well known butane method as well, (Maybe in conjunction?) which introduces heavy metals into what they are selling. :thumbdown:

From my experience this stuff is becoming more and more prevalent, and is usually made by young adults... I fully expect to see more news articles of college kids blowing themselves up in their dorm rooms, and/or poisoning their customers. This makes me think of the rot gut bathtub gin made during the prohibition.
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Re: Just saw this on the news...

Post by MyUncleMo »

These are closed loop butane extractors and NOT stills.
They do not distill - they just strip the flowers oils with a solvent by running the solvent to temp, cooling it with a condenser and letting the reflux wash the plant material.
It is a Soxhlet extraction like found in a processing lab. Veggie oils, essential oils etc can be stripped using this method.
You can also make decaf coffee.
My Uncke Mo taught me how to make apple Jack when I was in 6th Grade.

Questions? Read this first...
http://ww.homedistiller.org/forum/viewt ... 15&t=52975
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Re: Just saw this on the news...

Post by Tater »

6. No discussions of any illegal activity, except the actual hobby level distillation process. These forums are only for discussing the creation and enjoyment of high quality spirits for one's own personal consumption. They are not for the discussion or promotion of any other illegal activities, including illegal drugs, obtaining stilling materials by illegal means, etc. Offenders may be banned.
I use a pot still.Sometimes with a thumper