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best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:05 pm
by fullofdays
I'm planning on running a steam injection setup for my mash tun & distiller boiler. I'm looking at a 15.5 gal keg for my steam boiler which will be heating my 24 gal distilling boiler and a 4 inch flute. Mash tun is also 24 gal. I'm not electronically savvy so building myself is out. I would like to find someone to build a quality power controller that will power a 5500 element. Any members making quality controllers? What type of controller do I need to get?
I've got easy access to an breaker box and would like to run the control box from the breaker box. Anyone done this? What all is involved?
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:15 pm
by fullofdays
Nobody - ?
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:09 pm
by Sambo_Jones
If your talking about a control for the steam boiler you really need to educate yourself on the control systems. You will need high pressure safety switches as well as low water level switches in line with your temperature controller. There are pressure relief valves that should be used also. If you guys think the potential for a still boiler is dangerous YouTube steam boiler explosions.
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:21 pm
by fullofdays
I need an electric controler for a 5500w element that will be heating the water in my boiler. Does anyone on the site make these and sell them to less electronic saavy folk? I've already got the parts on order for pressure release valve and bypass valve, etc. I'm looking for an electric controller for the heating element.
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:45 pm
by S-Cackalacky
MuleKicker used to build and sell controllers, but I haven't heard anything about it lately. You might do a member search for him and take a look at his posts for more information.
I use a Chinese made controller I bought off of ebay. It's a 220Vac SCR 10KW controller. It's pre-assembled, but requres that you wire in the input and output and install it in some kind of enclosure. A few members here use them and they seem to work pretty well. It's a little easier than building one from scratch.
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:54 pm
by acfixer69
For steam injection you wouldn't really need a controller. You can just bleed off the excess steam into a bucket of water.
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:50 am
by shadylane
Use a phase angle controller. There are many examples being used here.
A 15 psi boiler pressure relief valve will be a necessity. Also a valve to vent to boiler on shut down to avoid a vacuum.
Here's a pic of my steam injector. It works good for cooking mash but poorly for heating a steamer still.
A man called pintoshine has a good write up on basically the same thing.
Search "direct steam injection"
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:24 pm
by DFitz
Re: best power controller for steam injection boiler
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:33 pm
by Jimbo
Haha. Awesome