As i mentioned in my introduction post I have been brewing beer for years and am pretty comfortable with AG mashes. I would like to pick up where my skills have left me with an AG rye whisky mash following pretty close to George Washington's recipe (http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 11&t=17514).
*edit - i've modified the recipe from 60% rye 35% corn 5% barley to 20% corn and 20% barley because i read that in order to achieve a higher conversion the grain bill should consist of at least 20% barley.
My goal is to produce a mash with a starting gravity of 1.050 using 10 pounds of grain and producing 5.5 gallons of beer after sparging.
Grain Bill
6 Pounds of Flaked Rye
2 Pounds of Flaked Corn
2 Pounds of American Pale - 6 row Barley
I am assuming a 75% efficiency and a 72% yeast attenuation that would leave me with a FG of 1.014 (ABV of 4.72)
The excited boy in me wants to dump a bunch for grain in this to boost my ABV into the 6%-7% range but the wisdom of this forum is keeping me restrained.
I'll be distilling this with my Clawhammer Supply 5 gallon still which has had a water run, vinegar run and sacrificial run.
Any thoughts or suggestions before i move forward with this would be welcomed! Thanks guys and I appreciate the direction given so far through all the reading!