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Hi Folks,
I live in Tasmania the home of world class Whiskey...I'm on a couple of forums and build a variety of stills for the Hobbyist, Always looking to increase my distilling knowledge.
I run a 6" 4 x sieve plate bubbler (flute), all hand made by myself, Custom Copper Fabricator mounted on my 100ltr approach to Hobby distillation is safety 1st, quality a close 2nd and making good friends with similar hobby's as myself.
Welcome JayD...your at the right place. If it's worth knowing these guys know it, and they'll share the knowledge with ya if your patient. Stay safe...
Patience....the early bird get's the worm, but the second rat get's the cheese.
Welcome! JayD Like any new member read the stuff below look it over... you've got experience so not really an issue...
Welcome to the forum... Please read the forum rules and regulations, safety tips and the new distillers section when you can... this may help you get a few questions answered early...
Thank you all for the kind Welcome by strange coincidence your names seem's
I run a 6" 4 x sieve plate bubbler (flute), all hand made by myself, Custom Copper Fabricator mounted on my 100ltr approach to Hobby distillation is safety 1st, quality a close 2nd and making good friends with similar hobby's as myself.
That he does...however he is a simple marsupial...the Tasmania Devil...not the ooga booga type. He lives side by side with padamelons and quolls.I think the "Tasmanian Devil" gets his name because of his screams and growls that frightened the daylights out of the first settlers here in Tasmania.
I run a 6" 4 x sieve plate bubbler (flute), all hand made by myself, Custom Copper Fabricator mounted on my 100ltr approach to Hobby distillation is safety 1st, quality a close 2nd and making good friends with similar hobby's as myself. seen in my signature my interests in distilling are at present in the hobbyist side of things, what the future holds?? well if we knew that we would all be rich men. So like all of us i started out with a simple stove top pot still that took all night to distill 600mls of alcohol if I was lucky, within 24 hrs I modified it to run more efficiently, from there I built a 2" boka which was a great little untit however painfully slowww...then I built a 2 mtr 4" boka definatley faster than the 2" but still took it's sweet time in producing. Whilst doing all of this I was observing others building their flutes. I research how to build them and built one and have not looked back, mater of fact I build what ever I need from still to boilers, either converted de commissioned kegs or fully fabricate using s/s. My progression from tpw to grains is a ongoing journey that I enjoy immensely utilizing some of the best ingredients from Tasmania. This is a brief story of my Hobby in Distilling.
I run a 6" 4 x sieve plate bubbler (flute), all hand made by myself, Custom Copper Fabricator mounted on my 100ltr approach to Hobby distillation is safety 1st, quality a close 2nd and making good friends with similar hobby's as myself.