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Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:11 pm
by Red Rum
Evening All,

Wish I was writing under happier circumstances. Earlier I posted a topic on a yeast that can take the heat, thanks for all the help there. Now I find myself at a different cross roads.

Fermentation has stopped, and an attempt to aerate and re-pitch hasn't yielded anything.
Here are the stats;
OG: 1.2 (yes,yes I know see earlier post)
FG: 1.03
Temp: 80F
Proof reading: well below 0
Fermentation: steady but not aggressive for 7 days
Yeast strain: 1118 and DADY
Wash size: 16gal

My only thought is the yeast is old and not kept as it should be. I'm going to go to the brew store tomorrow and pick up some fresh packets but I don't know if I should waste my money (well waste in this sense)

Do I just have a very low alcohol content wash that will distill out? I'd like to get everything out of her that I can but I'm at a loss.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:24 pm
by shadylane
Your not going to restart a ferment that went from 1.200 to 1.030
The original yeast was definitely very good to have taken that amount of abuse.
Sadly the wash will only be good for making fuel or as a sacrificial run.
Not being mean just giving you the answer to your question :wave:

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:27 pm
by NZChris
Molasses has non-fermentable sugars in it, so don't expect it to go to 1.000. Run it.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:29 pm
by Jimbo
1.2 to 1.03 is 24% ABV. I highly doubt you got 1118 and DADY to ferment out to 24%. If you did, by some miracle, the yeast is cooked, fried, done.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:30 pm
by Red Rum
Thanks for the advice. Before I take up four hours of my running the wash, is it worth it?
Better off dumping it down the drain and starting fresh? Any of it be drinkable if I run it through a few times?

my OG may have been slightly less than 1.2 upon realizing my mistake I watered as much as keg would hold. I would say BEST case I got it to 1.1-1.15. I know that 1118 peaks out at 12% max, am I right?

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:34 pm
by bearriver
I'd save it for a cleaning run. With that high of an ABV it should keep for a very long time.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:35 pm
by Jimbo
run it, what the hell. got nothing to lose now. If you have a reflux still make neutral out of it then soak a shit ton of fruit in it and make a panty dropper.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:36 pm
by Red Rum
I'm on a pot still... I guess I'm going to just run...and run...and run...
then cinnamon and vanilla the hell out of it to cover everything

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:48 pm
by shadylane
Make very tight cuts. Use the search for info on how to do cuts. :)

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:55 pm
by Red Rum
for next time, did I just go wrong with the SG being a ridiculous 1.2? If that happens again is there a different yeast strain I can use?

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:59 pm
by Jimbo
Keep your sg around 1.065, especially if all you have is a potstill

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:03 pm
by NZChris
Double run it.

Strip fast til you don't have to dilute the low wines to get below 40%, maybe even go as as low as 30%.

Don't put any extras in the boiler. (Except some butter as anti-foam for the stripping run).

Pay attention to your cuts and don't try to cut it on the fly.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:17 pm
by bearriver
Red Rum wrote:did I just go wrong with the SG being a ridiculous 1.2?
Red Rum wrote:If that happens again is there a different yeast strain I can use?

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:22 pm
by MichiganCornhusker
Run it. Keep all of your collection jars.
Then do up a similar Tried and True recipe, following the directions, and run that.
Then compare the jars, let us know what you think.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:17 am
by rad14701
Run it... Learn your lesson... Lick your wounds... Then head over to the Tried and True Recipe forum, pick a recipe, and stick with it without deviation... There's good reason why they made it into Tried and True... You're not ready to be venturing off into personal recipe development at this time...

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:52 am
by moosemilk
OG of 1.2? Damn son, you trying to play Jesus and walk on water? Damn near thick enough.

Those poor yeast, what they do to tick you off?

Three bits of advice. Follow to the letter.


Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:53 am
by Red Rum
Thanks for all the help guys,

Hopefully it comes through, I did choose a tried and true recipe (hook rum). I just didn't math good when I was adjusting for my larger fermenter size. I'm going to run it this weekend and we will see.

Off topic and I will post in the appropriate channel but;
I am currently using a propane burner to heat my 16gal stainless steel keg. This requires me to sit in the garage for hours and hours while making a run (about 4-6 hours per run: low and slow). Please note I AM NOT INTERESTED in a set and forget solution, unless there is a super safe product. Does anyone know of an electric/ other heating source that has the wattage needed and would allow me to take a break in the AC for a few min every now and then.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:01 am
by moosemilk
Red Rum wrote:Thanks for all the help guys,

Hopefully it comes through, I did choose a tried and true recipe (hook rum). I just didn't math good when I was adjusting for my larger fermenter size. I'm going to run it this weekend and we will see.

Off topic and I will post in the appropriate channel but;
I am currently using a propane burner to heat my 16gal stainless steel keg. This requires me to sit in the garage for hours and hours while making a run (about 4-6 hours per run: low and slow). Please note I AM NOT INTERESTED in a set and forget solution, unless there is a super safe product. Does anyone know of an electric/ other heating source that has the wattage needed and would allow me to take a break in the AC for a few min every now and then.
Shorts, T-shirt, big ass fan. No matter what you use to heat, you don't walk away from a running still without shutting it down. Even electric, it only takes seconds for something to happen, get a vapor filled room, one small spark or heat source and ur up it without a paddle.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:06 am
by MichiganCornhusker
You can always just shut off the fire.
It won't take long to come back up to temp, and it won't hurt to interrupt the run.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:24 am
by cranky
Red Rum wrote:I know that 1118 peaks out at 12% max, am I right?
1118 is a high gravity yeast and your best bet for getting anything higher than 16% to dry. I have reached 21% dry but it tasted bad, although once brought back down to 16% and after setting 2 years it made an amazing wine. The best solution is not to let it happen again but if somehow it does happens again the best thing to do is to get another fermenter and split it and water it down before adding yeast.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:28 am
by sltm1
Aside from your OG, (which you might have mis-read), what was the recipe and what was the PH?

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:36 am
by Jimbo
cranky wrote:it does happens again the best thing to do is to get another fermenter and split it and water it down before adding yeast.
+1 This is where a refractometer comes in very handy. Quick check then adjust as needed. Ive overshot before and water it down to 1.065. 1.065 is a sweet spot for AG's in my experience. I think slightly higher for rum maybe, but the rum guys should chime in on that.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:58 pm
by rad14701
If your runs seem to take too long you'd be better off doing a fast stripping run followed by a spirit run... Those two runs would take less time than a single low and slow spirit run...

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:09 pm
by midwest shinner
As for the yeast part I think everyone else fully covered that, I just wanted to add a +1 to rads post. IMHO the 2run method is the way to go, it shouldn't take any more time than 1 slow run and should yield more, better product. I've even gone 3 runs when I felt it necessary

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:35 pm
by moosemilk
I agree with rad and Midwest. I started out (pot still) single or 1.5 runs low n slow. Now I strip until I have at least 6 gallons low wines, then spirit run.

It's faster overall, I use less propane, and I get a much nicer product...and seem to even get more keepers this way. Plus my strip runs are collected into one single container, so it keeps me from dipping in and my aging stock is growing better.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:16 am
by skow69
Red Rum wrote: OG: 1.2 (yes,yes I know see earlier post)
My hydrometer doesn't even go that high. It maxes out at 1.170.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:11 pm
by MooseKnuckle
SOME of that drop in SG is due to the solids in the molasses settling out, I'm sure. Still sounds quite high, but not as high as you would think simply from the hydrometer readings. I agree with trying it out, and obviously not going that high again, but it may not be as bad as you think. The rum I do is between 11-14% and very good flavour, it is safe to go higher than a whiskey.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:28 am
by still_stirrin
FYI Red Rum, here's a good followup thread for you to read: ... 83&t=55031

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:32 am
by Steep-n-Rocky
Run it. You may be surprised by the results. Have you tasted the mash / wash? Often times that will tell you a lot about potential infections, etc.

Re: Can I save her?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:39 am
by stilldistillin
bearriver wrote:
Red Rum wrote:did I just go wrong with the SG being a ridiculous 1.2?
Red Rum wrote:If that happens again is there a different yeast strain I can use?
Haha, I can cut the tension in the air here. So much more wants to be said but tongues are being bitten here.