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Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:58 pm
by stenknz
Hi guys,

I have a very small 5Liter\ 1.32Gallon Reflux\Pot still.
My reflux still (Euro5 Still from spiritsunlimited here in New Zealand) also doubles as a pot still, you take of the condenser off the reflux column and attach to the pot. This little thing runs great for neutral spirits runs I get about 92% ABV I pull about 500Mls every run

I have a few questions on doing my first POT still wash. I intend to do the CFW wash and understand that I have to do a stripping run first. Since my still is a CM does that mean during the stripping run I run very little water through so I get the vapour hard and fast? Also for the size of my still how much can I get from a 5L run. I make 25L wash and for the reflux I have to do 5 runs. Can't wait to get a bigger still but this for me at the moment works quite well.
Also In my pot I dont have copper will I need to add copper to it? On the Reflux column I have copper inside, so was wondering if I need it in the pot when I use it as a pot still.

Hope you guys understand where I am coming from! :D

Re: Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:53 am
by Swedish Pride
mate, that is a tiny yoke.
I have a 10l pot still and am finding it a pain to run due to the amount of stripping I have to do to get enough low wines for a spirit run.
I need 4 or 5 strip runs to fill her up for a spirit run, I guess you will have the same amount of strips if you have a wash in the 8% abv region. Any higher and quality will go down.

If you can have copper in the path your likker will benefit from it, it binds the sulfurs or something like that.
can you run with the column attached but without any water flowing to it, that way you still have your copper in the vapor path.

You don't need me to tell you your still is to small, you will know after doing a few strips...
I'd collect in 100ml jars for your spirit run to get good cuts, also fillign it up close to the top will get you the most out of your run.

but all in all its a lot of work for about a liter of keep.

let us know how you get on.

Re: Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:20 am
by still_stirrin
stenknz wrote:...doubles as a pot still...meaning during the stripping run I run very little water through so I get the vapour hard and fast?
In a pot still, you won't use the coolant at all through the reflux condenser...only water will be through your product condenser. And you'll need to adjust the flowrate to compensate for the vapor rate, that is - if you're driving it fast, the cooling water will be faster...but still you want to adjust it so the water exit temperature is near the vapor inlet temperature. If you turn the water too fast, you'll get shock cooling/premature vapor collapse (huffing).
stenknz wrote:...Also In my pot I dont have copper will I need to add copper to it? On the Reflux column I have copper inside, so was wondering if I need it in the pot when I use it as a pot still...
Copper helps to remove the sulfurs (possibly) present in the wash vapor. Sulfurs in the wash result from the ferment and from some of the yeast nutrients used. Dilligent attention to your wash (I suggest using one of the Tried & True recipes) will reduce the likelihood of sulfurs in the wash. Copper helps but its not a "deal breaker", especially given the size of your boiler.

Re: Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:24 pm
by stenknz
Thanks for the replies guys! Looks like I need a bigger still!

Re: Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:24 am
by Noesgaardk
stenknz wrote:Thanks for the replies guys! Looks like I need a bigger still!
There's never a big enough still...

Re: Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:41 am
by NZChris
It's a nice size for a gin still, but you really need a bigger still to make the neutral for it.

Re: Small Reflux\Pot Still advice needed

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:46 am
by NZChris
Have a chat to your local SS fabricator. You might be able to cut the base and insert a section of tube. An extra 30-50l section would be handy.