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Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:03 am
by Sgt Stedenko
Long time lurker.
I've been reading the forums for almost a year. Lots of great info here.
Been getting my equipment together over the past few months and decided it was time to come out of the back woods.

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:29 am
by Bushman
Welcome to HD, what type of rig are you building?

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:55 am
by Sgt Stedenko
I had planned to build a 2" boka column, but instead I picked up a 3" ss dual purpose tower from a buddy who recently upgraded to a flute.
Looks like he bought it from Moonshine Distillers. ... flux-tower" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Feel free to remove the link if that violates policy
I realize the 3" tower with sight glasses is more about looks than practicality, but I paid about half of what they sell for on the site.
He ran his packed with copper below each window with good results.

I also scored a sweet 7 gallon copper milk can off ebay and just ordered a milk can lid, gasket, and 4500w heater element kit (DIY) from the same place my buddy bought the tower. ... true&rt=nc" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

I need to solder on a 1" copper male adapter on the boiler for the heating element and a 1/2" female for a thermometer.
I plan on threading on a ss tri clamp fitting on the 1" male adapter to make heating element removal and cleaning easier.

I'll get some pics of the rig once the milkcan lid arrives and I can attach the column.

Do I need a minimum number of posts before I can attach pics?

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:14 am
Boy that was a steal on that milk can.

Welcome and best wishes moving forward.

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:23 am
by Sgt Stedenko
No kidding it was a steal.
I was worried it would be too small or real thin copper, but it is pretty stout.
Pics of the boiler.
The inside cleaned up real nice with some vinegar.
The outside appears to have been laquered.
I had to solder over the copper rivets holding on the brass handles as they were leaking and I dont need vapors escaping.

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:42 am
by moosemilk
Welcome Sgt Stedenko. Been a fan of C&C all my life. That's a great looking boiler you have there! Enjoy the forums and thanks for sharing the pics!

One of my fav clips with Stedenko

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:05 am
by Sgt Stedenko
Thanks moosemilk
Stacy Keach and Pee Wee made those movies awesome.
"I think they're Iranians"

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:29 pm
by moosemilk
Make sure you keep us all posted with your progress in the "My First" area or one of the build areas. I'm really envious of that can! Suddenly got me inspired to run to the hardware store and pic up a few things for my next build lol. Don't worry, i won't tell SOH it was your thread inspiring me to spend money we don't have :lol:

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:57 pm
by Bushman
I agree, got my eyes out on a 5-10 gallon milk can for an essential oil still I plan to build. Probably should get a new thread started or get back on track with the Welcomes.

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:55 pm
by rad14701
You might want to consider doing a lead test in the solder used on the copper milk can... It looks like it was intended to be more ornamental than functional... :idea: Also check it with a magnet to insure that it isn't copper plated steel... Better safe than sorry...

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:20 pm
by Sgt Stedenko
rad14701 wrote:You might want to consider doing a lead test in the solder used on the copper milk can... It looks like it was intended to be more ornamental than functional... :idea: Also check it with a magnet to insure that it isn't copper plated steel... Better safe than sorry...
Thanks rad,
I tested the solder and can with a XRF meter we have at work for environmental testing of soil. Works on metals too. About a $55,00 piece of equipment.
Requires a radiation permit with the State (similar to a nuke density gauge).
Traces of lead in both.
Just for giggles, I tested some new Type M pipe and some cast and drawn copper fitting. They too have traces of lead.

My next trick is adapting a lid for the can with a 3" ferrule. The stainless lid I tried from Moonshine Distiller was too small in diameter. :cry:

Re: Howdy Y'all

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:37 am
by Sgt Stedenko
I spoke with the Olympus rep about detecting lead in what should be 99.9% pure copper.
He came out and re-calibrated the meter.
We had been using it in the field for delineating lead in soil at a refinery so it was slightly off.
After the calibration everything now shows no lead.