Putting older posts here. Going to try to keep the novice forum pruned about 90 days work. The 'good' old stuff is going to be put into appropriate forums.
from what i've seen on here few have any older than a couple of years...lol
but you could buy a 25 year old bottle of so called aged good stuff made commercialy so who knows....put some up and check in 20
small children left unatended will be sold as bait
There are cognac's (sp) that have 150 years of aging.
From wikipedia:
L'Esprit de Courvoisier - Courvoisier's leading cognac, presented in a hand-cut Lalique decanter, blended from eaux-de-vie up to 200 years old, and individually numbered.
Moyet Antiques - Moyet's Très Vieille Fine Champagne and Très Vieille Grand Champagne cognacs blended from some barrels over 150 years old, individually numbered and signed by the cellar master.
these boys got quarts over 60 year old there pa made. got some 50s an 40s 30s an such that some of the best of the best from round here made that gone to see there maker. aint for drinkin it for remeberin
A co worker was cleaning out his house during a move and found a bottle of whiskey that was over 40 years old. He had quit drinking so he gave it to me.
It was wonderful!
So how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? THe world may never know.
aint you makein beter liker than them distilerys that is putin likker in them barels for 20 years an aint your tastein better than 20 year old likker. now why would you give a tinkers dam what they think bout countin.
I've got some corn and oats that was put up ( maybe i should say down- below grade)
in glass 1 gal jugs in 1985 when it was closed down it still taste the same
as it did then a barrel that is about the same age is as smooth as
frogs hair.
85 was a while back to be rememberin how it first taste.
these boys had a problem with rememberin how much suger they used.
well they had one charge come out like liquid barb wire with no sent it was so hot.well time took some hot an gave some sent but it couldnt make chicken salad out of chicken shit. ended up putin a wick under it.
round here if it aint clear you aint gonna get it gone.
Dnderhead wrote:I've got some corn and oats that was put up ( maybe i should say down- below grade)
in glass 1 gal jugs in 1985 when it was closed down it still taste the same
as it did then a barrel that is about the same age is as smooth as
frogs hair.
i have some rumm been on oak bout two hours now......think i'll check it some
small children left unatended will be sold as bait
the jugs were down a 20 ft dug well that was dry it is just as clear
as water and still bites like fire water and it is about 80% the barrel was out
side i was going to dump because i thought it was water and that is about
45% 3/4 full did not use sugar at that time got grain for zip
Dnderhead wrote:I've got some corn and oats that was put up ( maybe i should say down- below grade)
in glass 1 gal jugs in 1985 when it was closed down it still taste the same
as it did then a barrel that is about the same age is as smooth as
frogs hair.
Humm... like Goose eye said... 23 years is a long time to remember an exact taste.
All I know is that booze DOES age in glass... it doesn't pick up the compounds from the oak like a barrel, but it DOES age.
When I make oak whiskey I prefer to drink it white. It's good straight outta the still, but 100 days of age in a bottle does noticably smooth it.
I'm not sayin' yer wrong Dnderhead... I agree that age in a barrel and age in a bottle are different... I'm just sayin' that booze in glass DOES age and smooth.