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Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:21 am
by Padre_nz
So I have done my first ever run and split it over 20 jars so I can learn how too identify the different the pot still up to find there is a lot of liquid left in the distiller (not sure why I was surprised as water only boils at 100 and thats what its primarily made up of

) is all of it classified as dunder? Do I keep the lot of it (seems a bit excessive)? I cant seem to find one artical that actually pins down what part dunder actually is as far as I can tell it is the left over byproduct of any step???
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:50 am
by Pikey
This is your first run ?
"Dunder" really only applies to rum recipes.
It was about 4-5 years before I even started to consider what to do with the stuff left in the still - don't try to run before you can walk - just pour it away until you have read enough to understand what it is for and why.
Edit - welcome in and what were you stillin' ? - Hope you are happy with the result ?
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:18 am
by BoisBlancBoy
What is left in your boiler after a run is called backset. Most common use for it is to add it to your next ferment, depending on what recipe your using.
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:31 am
by cranky
Welcome to the forum
As others have pointed out whats left in the still is called backset, rum backset is dunder, or maybe it is only called dunder after it ages

Some people use some of the backset in the next ferment. I don't think they use all of it because it will make it too acidic. I don't bother, I'm not making sour mash.
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:04 pm
by rad14701
You never stated what wash recipe you ran through your still so it's tough to give a definitive answer... Most members don't bother saving backset from sugar washes so unless it was a Rm wash or an all grain you can just dump the backset... Sugar washes are too prone to pH crashes without complicating things by adding backset... You should probably put your rig in Park and do a bit more research because it sounds like you've gotten ahead of yourself...
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:30 pm
by ShineonCrazyDiamond
rad14701 wrote:You never stated what wash recipe you ran through your still so it's tough to give a definitive answer... Most members don't bother saving backset from sugar washes ...
Ummm, except the most widely made sugar wash, UJ sour mash. Kinda the base of that recipe is recycling back set.

Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:58 pm
by jb-texshine
And to think I've got backset frozen in every freezer(2 chest type) I own... Hmmm,I wonder what for. I dont think I kept it to piss off the wife even though it does. Probably I kept it to ajust ph,or because the dead yeast makes a good nutrient for the live yeast you add it to,or maybe because it increases the flavor in the shit coming out the dick spout. Not real sure but I swear to Dionysus that I will cut off my foot before throwing out a single drop of honey backset.
Of course it also makes copper pretty good in a squirt bottle when cooking burgers on charcoal also. When hot it'll kill weeds and grass. Dumped on the ground cool it'll make earthworms crawl into the surface if you need fish bait.
Not sure what else...
Also good to make your yard smell like stale beer
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:26 am
by rad14701
ShineonCrazyDiamond wrote:rad14701 wrote:You never stated what wash recipe you ran through your still so it's tough to give a definitive answer... Most members don't bother saving backset from sugar washes ...
Ummm, except the most widely made sugar wash, UJ sour mash. Kinda the base of that recipe is recycling back set.

UJSSM and Sweet Feed would be the two main exceptions that use backset over multiple generations in order to produce a more complex flavor profile... And Rum, of course... It's even been tried with All Bran and Corn Flakes, but the majority of sugar washes don't benefit from the practice...
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:44 am
by ShineonCrazyDiamond
All I want for Christmas is for once to hear 4 little words. And not necessarily to me. To any appropriate situation.
"Oh yeah, you're right"
Everyone can overlook something.
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:38 pm
by NZChris
When you say ' first ever run' I hope you have done vinegar and sacrificial alcohol cleaning runs first. If you haven't and there was flux in the still, you might be spending some time on the crapper chundering into a bowl.
What type of still is it? If it is a pot still, you will get better product by running it twice.
If the dunder has been run in a clean still, keep at least enough to make up 20% of your next wash. There are a lot of things done with dunder to improve rum and searching the forum should find you several threads on the subject.
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:41 pm
by jb-texshine
Kind of,sort of off topic:
Ive been wondering what a fruit backset would do to a rum ferment.....
Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:28 am
by Swedish Pride
ShineonCrazyDiamond wrote:Rad,
All I want for Christmas is for once to hear 4 little words. And not necessarily to me. To any appropriate situation.
"Oh yeah, you're right"
Everyone can overlook something.
That will never happen, mainly because there's five words there

Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:38 am
by ShineonCrazyDiamond
Swedish Pride wrote:ShineonCrazyDiamond wrote:Rad,
All I want for Christmas is for once to hear 4 little words. And not necessarily to me. To any appropriate situation.
"Oh yeah, you're right"
Everyone can overlook something.
That will never happen, mainly because there's five words there

This side of the pond a compounded word is still one word!

Re: Post first run (dunder?)
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:00 am
by Swedish Pride
damn, i've been out smartarsed