I thought that I would post the results of my runs here for all to see. Feel free to post comments or questions. I'm very new to this and thought that there could be a lot of people out there in the same situation.
I am running an Essencia 25L, recirculating the water with a 220L storage tank and Essencia water pump which works well. Mash is currently made with 8kg sugar, water made up to 25L and 1 sachet Turbo yeast. Tried this two times so far and works well. Ferment time is one week.
Ambient temperature: 28c
Temperature in bung prior to start: 28c
Switch on water flow: 45c, 55 minutes from start
Heads begin: 71c, 59 minutes from start
Hearts begin: 78c, 1h07 minutes from start
Temperature stabalises: 79c, 1h10 minutes from start
Temperature rises: 82c, 2h40 minutes from start
Tails begin: 85c, 2h50 minutes from start
Switch off and stop collecting: 85c, 3h00 minutes from start
Graph for this batch:

Result: 4.7L at 85% (adjusted for ambient temperature) crystal clear with vanilla aroma, quite nice, watered down to 45% which then turned cloudy. Then run though Fuselex with active carbon, now clear again and treated with flavourings of varying types according to my needs - one of which are bourbon flakes, which will be interesting to taste in a couple of weeks time.