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Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:22 am
by Dr Yummm
So there I was, there I was, IN the desert. All alone in a waste land of meta data. A diorama of miscellaneous misinformation. Only to bump into this oasis of misanthrope's. And who is it that i shall ask for admittance? Is it you?

Well thank you none the less. I shall have many stupid questions soon...

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:41 am
by Bushman
Interesting introduction, doesn't tell us a lot about you but Welcome to the forum.

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:48 am
by Dr Yummm
Thanks. Oh me, about me. Well, I am new as as baby to distilling. I mean I've played around with a soxhlet and have some basic organic chemistry under my belt and read a few books. I like to consider myself a hobbyist Distilling seems to have equal parts science and art which is right down my alley. With a bend toward plant medicines. I look forward to learning more about it!

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:51 pm
by shadylane
Welcome to the forum Doc :wave:
And quit using them big words
Had to look up "misanthrope's"
Danged if I ain't one :lol:

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:41 pm
by Kareltje
As is always repeated: read, read, read. The best way to learn: look it up and try to do it.

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:49 pm
by xyz123
Dr Yummm wrote:So there I was, there I was, IN the desert. All alone in a waste land of meta data. A diorama of miscellaneous misinformation. Only to bump into this oasis of misanthrope's. And who is it that i shall ask for admittance? Is it you?

Well thank you none the less. I shall have many stupid questions soon...
Excellent intro!

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:10 pm
by StillerBoy
Welcome to HD
Dr Yummm wrote:With a bend toward plant medicines
Could you provide a little more insight on this.. would it have anything to do with making herbal tincture..


Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:03 am
by Mikey-moo
Definitely chewy. Welcome aboard anyway.

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:01 pm
by Dr Yummm
Hey, more responses! Thanks for the welcomes folks. I would have responded earlier but your forum threads kinda sucked me right in! Your safety info was a real eye opener. I have a long road ahead of me to be successful at this it appears. Of course I jumped in with both feet and the design i got already is all wrong and cost a fortune by my meager standards.

As per the further elaborations on my interests and experience with plant medicines. My interests run towards the poison Medicines. Ethnobotany is perhaps a good term. Sacred medicinals. Obscure cacti, mushrooms and plants used ritualistically in cultures for mostly visionary purposes. I like making extracts and tinctures though. Fun stuff really. Used to hang out with an herbalist, loved talking shop with the guy so I know a fair bit about other plants as well.

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:17 pm
by StillerBoy
Dr Yummm wrote:As per the further elaborations on my interests and experience with plant medicines. My interests run towards the poison Medicines. Ethnobotany is perhaps a good term. Sacred medicinals. Obscure cacti, mushrooms and plants used ritualistically in cultures for mostly visionary purposes. I like making extracts and tinctures though. Fun stuff really. Used to hang out with an herbalist, loved talking shop with the guy so I know a fair bit about other plants as well.
That is the main reason why I got into this hobby was to make my own spirit for tincture.. just got fedup with dishing out high price alcohol when there is 20 - 30% lose even when using a 2 ton press.. I've played with herbs and making tincture for the last 30 yrs.. took me a few years to find the right recipe to use for the tincture.. have read up on plants used for ritualistically, especially south america cultures,but never ordered the herbs, but mainly Chinese and NA for extracts and tincture.. would be interested in talking further on this to exchange views..


Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:14 pm
by Dr Yummm
Yeah, totally Mars. I love talking shot. Any particular line of interest plant wise?

Re: Chewy goat heads

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:29 pm
by Dr Yummm
Talking shop.. (darned auto correct)