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*edit* First all grain/booner's, honey malt ?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:15 pm
by MmmPeace
Hey, everybody. So far I have made a sugar wash, a UJSSM (now fermenting my 2nd generation,and a peach brandy that I am running Saturday. I think after my run Saturday I would like to mash in. I am going to be doing Booner's casual all corn with a little added grains... I have the enzymes and have read through the procedure multiple times, I just want to add a little of my own to it. For my grain bill:

20lbs cracked corn ran through my corona
5lbs honey malt, ground
5lbs 2 row pale, ground
12-13 gallon water
Using DADY Distiller's yeast

I will be running this per the booner's method, then adding my grains at or around 145-148 with the 2nd enzymes.

I know people say 2lbs corn per gallon of water, but I figured if I am adding in the honey malt and 2row I should be good..? Do any of you notice anything that may not be right? This is my first attempt at a full grain. I keep reading about the honey malt and just knew I had to add it into my first all grain, it sounds delicious.

*EDIT* So I misread the honey bear bourbon recipe, I thought it said 5lbs honey malt, not .5lbs.. Being the genius that I am I told the LHBS they could put the 5lb honey malt and the 5lb 2-row in the same bag (ground of course) as I was planning on throwing them all in at the same time. I am going to get another 5lb of winter wheat to mix in as well but I am a little worried the 5lbs of honey malt will ruin/overtake my batch. I have 2 options, use about 1lb or 2 of the mix, and the 5lb winter wheat, or just use it all and see what happens.

Re: *edit* First all grain/booner's, honey malt ?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:11 pm
by Shine0n
If you do add the winter wheat to the mix I'd up the water to 15 gal. That's sill over 2 lbs per gallon. Mill your corn to meal, I had pretty fine cracked corn on first attempt and it's a pita!!! I had other problems too :oops:

I just finished my mashing with cornmeal and what a difference that made :thumbup:
This is my first AG as well and I hope you.the best!

Lookin forward to your results soon

Re: *edit* First all grain/booner's, honey malt ?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:08 am
by bilgriss
Get some more two row, and blend.
Make more batches.

Re: *edit* First all grain/booner's, honey malt ?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:47 pm
by MmmPeace
Thanks bilgriss, exactly what I did :thumbup: