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First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:44 pm
by MmmPeace
Running my first batch of peach brandy now, boy does it smell delicious right off the still. I had it fermenting at my folks and it definitely stalled out and is at 1 sg, instead of waiting I just ran it anywho. No surprise the first jar came off at 118 proof, lower than I hoped. Impatiently running it lost some conversion, but damn is it still good. I'll update after a few days of airing them out, other than the low abv I am very happy with the taste of my first peach brandy.

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:56 pm
by BlackStrap
May I ask what type of still you ran this through?

I would not worry so much about the long as it tastes good. :D

I've had a couple runs that stalled at 1.00 SG I've noticed that these runs turned out slightly sweeter
My guess would be that some of the sugars carried over...but I'm guessing.
Hopefully those who know more can explain it scientifically :eugeek:

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 2:02 pm
by NZChris
If you are pot stilling run until the total collection is below 60 proof then run again. Don't be too aggressive with foreshot, heads and tails cuts cos that is where a lot of the flavor is.

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:40 pm
by MmmPeace
Blackstrap I ran this through my 15.5 gallon pot still.

NzChris I did just that, haven't run it back through but honestly don't think I'm going to. It's delicious as is and I can live with 1 batch of lower abv. I wanted to oak a jar but is the abv too low for oaking?

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:47 pm
by The Baker
MmmPeace said, 'I'll update after a few days of airing them out'. And spoke of low abv.

I would be very cautious about airing, maybe not do it at all; just a premonition that you could lose a lot of the peach aroma.


Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:23 pm
by MmmPeace
I read in earlier posts that letting them air allows the peach to come through even more, didn't consider I may lose product.

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:54 pm
by The Baker
Maybe try airing one small jar at first, and check it after a short time. I do not KNOW, just being cautious.

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:09 pm
by MmmPeace
Better safe than sorry, I could always air out if needed. I can't undo tho! Thanks baker.

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:20 pm
by NZChris
MmmPeace wrote:I read in earlier posts that letting them air allows the peach to come through even more, didn't consider I may lose product.
If the air smells like peaches, what are you losing from your jars?

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:58 am
by The Baker
"If the air smells like peaches, what are you losing from your jars?"

er, peaches?


Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:15 am
by Shine0n
I did a peach brandy last year and I aired it for 2 days and didn't loose much of anything and mine was at 135 proof.
I did use coffee filters to slow the evap down to a minimum.
I drank 1/2 gal over the last 8 months but still have 1.5 gal of it left white and I will say it's developed a great peachy smell and taste and I would never taint it with oak but that's just me!

What was your recipe? What kind of yeast?

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:10 am
by MmmPeace
So today when I woke up I tasted my brandy. I left one jar capped and the other jar I placed a coffee filter over it to air overnight. They both taste excellent, I can tell a difference between the two. The jar left with a coffee filter to breathe overnight has a more peachy smell, and goes down smoothe. The other jar has a nice peachy smell also, it just has a little bite in the nose and when tasting, still goes down nice and easy. I'd say this was a successful first run of peach brandy
(Peach sugar head brandy to be specific)

Shine here is the recipe I made:

22# canned peaches in heavy syrup
6.5# sugar
8 gallons water
2 Tbsp distiller's yeast that I first made into a starter

og was 1.049

I ran this in my 15.5 gallon brewhaus essential extractor 2, running as pot still.

NZChris I think I'm going to have to agree with you on that, why oak something that already tastes this delicious, I don't think I want to taste anything other than the peaches :thumbup:

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:37 am
by Shine0n
The peach will become more intense with some time!
I just left it alone and try not to think about it too often.

If you ever happen to get alot of peaches try doing taters peach brandy. Yummy

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:58 am
by BlackStrap
Thank You for the updates MmmPeace; and for sharing the recipe, and all those that shared their advice..
Sounds like this might be one that I'll have to put on my list.
I like your approach, MmmPeace... As long as you like it, why change it... :thumbup:
Keep the posts coming I like reading and looking at the pictures. :)

Re: First peach brandy

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:27 am
by MmmPeace
Thanks blackstrap, after a week the peach is a little more pronounced and goes down way too easy. I highly recommend this recipe, it is very easy to make and as long as you use a good yeast it will yield a fine drop! I used distillers yeast if I didn't post that info above. Let us know if you make it!