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Not home distilled, but
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:54 pm
by Boda Getta
was just gifted a bottle of Old Grand Dad. Any of y'all tried it and how did you drink it. I drink my whiskey neat but don't usually drink 114 proof. 100'ish about my limit
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:27 pm
by still_stirrin
An old staple. I like a couple of fingers in a glass with ice cubes. Old Grand Dad is quite smooth. I wouldn't try to mix it with anything just doesn't need it.
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:26 pm
by Still Life
still_stirrin wrote:An old staple. I like a couple of fingers in a glass with ice cubes. Old Grand Dad is quite smooth. I wouldn't try to mix it with anything just doesn't need it.
Exactly. Enjoy it like it
is yours.
[and Welcome back, still_stirrin]
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:33 pm
by Grappa-Gringo
I was given a gift a few years back of that stuff... good stuff...I thought. Not high end, but I've never had high end, so I don't know. I was told that its middle ground.
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:16 pm
by GrassHopper
still_stirrin wrote:An old staple. I like a couple of fingers in a glass with ice cubes. Old Grand Dad is quite smooth. I wouldn't try to mix it with anything just doesn't need it.
Heck yeah! Glad to have you back with us "Still_Stirrin."
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:56 pm
by still_stirrin
I've been hovering around while in "time out". I've learned a few things during the hiatus. And "thanks" to all of you members who have jumped in to carry the load. You've all taught me too.
Now, I miss Rad. I'm sure he does still read here, but I miss his wisdom and his "humor". It took me a while to understand him, but through time, I have. A great knowledgebase (missed).
Sorry if this is a derail from the Old Grand Dad thread. But, Old Grand Dad is one of my (commercial) favorites. Another is Maker's Mark. And a third is Woodford Reserve. I know there's a lot of small batch producers out there, and I've tried a few (variety and curiosity, I guess). But I don't buy a lot of whiskey anymore. Occasionally, when in a bar and I can't pour my own, I will make a "call brand" just to give 'em a try.
But definitely, give the Old Grand Dad try.
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:17 am
by cuginosgrizzo
I always discourage the use of ice with whisky as IMO it kills the taste and aroma. If 115 proof it is too strong for you, just add a few drops of ambient temperature water until you are confortable with the proof and sip it that way
[OT mode on] still_stirring it is nice to read you again. glad you sticked around!
[OT mode off]
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:14 am
by CraftyZA
cuginosgrizzo wrote:I always discourage the use of ice with whisky as IMO it kills the taste and aroma. If 115 proof it is too strong for you, just add a few drops of ambient temperature water until you are confortable with the proof and sip it that way
[OT mode on] still_stirring it is nice to read you again. glad you sticked around!
[OT mode off]
What about frozen cubes of marble? I use those in whiskey. Brandy on the other hand i leave on top of a glass of steaming water. Drop one or 2 coffee beans in the hot water for an incredible aroma.
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Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:24 am
by cuginosgrizzo
CraftyZA wrote:
What about frozen cubes of marble? I use those in whiskey.
As always, it is a matter of taste. I believe that low temperature kills aroma and taste. You drink all important red wines at ambient temperature, same goes with those beers that have complex and rich aroma like the belgians. Strong Ales also express better at a not too low temperature IMO. You can drink chilled white wines and light beers, that have no important taste or aroma to enjoy, or sodas
I believe that whiskey falls into the "ambient temperature" category, to be able to enjoy its complexity.
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:34 am
by The Baker
Sacrilege I know but when the ambient temperature is in the high thirties to the early forties (Celsius) and the waitress has brought the red wine from a high, warm shelf, we ask for a large glass full of ice cubes and drop one or two in each glass...
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:35 am
by thecroweater
Hot beer and warm whisky on a stomping hot day, yeah I had some mates like that, as ya said taste is subjective.... bit of ice over here thanks
Edit post same time as above
Re: Not home distilled, but
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:41 pm
by Boda Getta
My OP wasn't clear, the OGD wasn't one my go too's in store brought whiskey, the BIB OGD at 100 proof, but was the OGD 114. I agree with the poster about ice. I've started drinking all of my brown whisky neat since I have started home distilling. I have also discovered that, IMHO, that 80 proof whiskey is an abomination. I note with interest that the fad now with the large distilleries is to bottle "Barrel Proof" and have seen a few as high as 130'ish proof but 115-125'ish proof more common. For the last year or so, I have started bottling a bottle or two at "keg proof" every time I crack open a new keg (also doing a bottle in the white before I put it in the keg). I have built up a collection of 10-15 bottles of "keg proof" of UJSSM, all grain bourbon, single malts, ect. Haven't cracked any of them yet, but will.
As for the OGD 114 I will just crack the bottle, pour about 3 fingers and go for it. If I have to add a little water, fine. But no ice.