New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
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I found this forum after several searches for distilling equipment. I love to drink beer, but rye whiskey is my crutch. I was thinking one day I could make this stuff and get it just how I like it. Here I am, spending hours reading the new distillers forum, performing searches through the HD search for equipment, and learning a ton. I will soon be buying/building an 8 gallon still. Can't wait to get started. I'm in the United States on the western edge. Probably going to build/buy something in the 8 gal range for the still. I'm in the process of cleaning up a 120 sq/ft shed to the distilling in. Probably going to go electric for heating. I would like to thank everyone on this forum for passing on some great knowledge and continuing to do so.
Welcome. Good on you for doing your own research. FWIW, you might want to rethink the 8 gal still, I started that way and quickly outgrew it. If I had to start over again I would start out with a 15 gal. I don't think that I know anyone that wanted a smaller still than they started with, but to each their own.
RedwoodHillBilly wrote:Welcome. Good on you for doing your own research. FWIW, you might want to rethink the 8 gal still, I started that way and quickly outgrew it. If I had to start over again I would start out with a 15 gal. I don't think that I know anyone that wanted a smaller still than they started with, but to each their own.
Welcome And , yep ; what he said on going bigger .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Welcome, I love the rye whiskey I make it using Jimbo's single malt AG recipe and substitute the barley for malted rye. I changed the proportions to meet the size of my fermenters. Good luck and enjoy the journey!
Welcome Spidey.
I agree with the others, most people out grow to small a still very quickly.
Better to spend the money once and not have to buy again in six weeks or in six months time.
I built a nine gallon still thirty odd years ago because that just happened to be what I found in a junk yard for free. It serves me well, mainly because I also got a fermenter that could fill it four times.
The best advice I can give you is to do your research before you spend any money.
Spidey you said the magic word "searching" and that brought out some pretty heavy hitters here to welcome you.
Be impressed. Not everyone gets a warm welcome from the experts that have responded to you.
Now I'm going to cross those very guys.
I weighed the "bigger is better" options of 8-gallon vs. 15-gallon and went 8.
How long do you want to spend distilling? An afternoon or all day? Your electric set up and still size will determine that.
If you go 15-gal., you best have a drain port or you'll need a gorilla to lift it to empty.
My 8-gal. 1500-watt fills my Saturday & Sunday evenings' desire just fine, not to mention the time spent mashing.
Just giving you seeds to plant. My advice is not better, just what works for me.
Spidey wrote:Thanks for the input. I'll do my due diligence. Still have a lot of reading to do........
Good for you, you have to make your own decisions. Take your time before pulling the trigger, think about it. That was my 1st (and 2nd, and 3rd) mistake in this hobby. Have fun, for it should be fun and rewarding.