Project Thus Far
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:33 pm
My 8 gallon pot still arrived from Brewhause this week. I must say, I'm impressed with the fit and finish. Yesterday I assembled it, in place of the thermo-port plug I inserted one of my check valve type pressure gauges. I sealed everything up and charged the unit with 15psi of compressed air. 30 hrs later, the gauge needle hasn't moved. This is a very good indicator of a nice tight system. Right now, I'm running full steam ahead with a water/vinegar solution. A check of all joints with mirror shows no leaks. The electric band only took 55 minutes to get the water and vinegar boiling, but without a controller it is not a desirable heat source. My Bayou arrives Monday. Tomorrow, I will strip a 10% ABV potential sugar wash that is cleared and ready. I will also get to test my condenser function. None of this ethanol will be used for consumption.This is my cleaning run, I'm fairly satisfied the internals will be properly cleaned, after 2 runs. (strip & spirit) of the sugar wash. I will start fermenting a 1st generation batch of UJSSM withing the next day or so, my intended first run (for medicinal purposes) will be next weekend.