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Uploading photos

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 5:46 pm
by Uncle Jesse
OK if you upload off-topic photos I'm reserving the right to remove them...but here's how to do it. You can upload files to the wiki and use a link to display them in your message.

1. Go to
2. Log in or register for an account
3. Click "upload file" in the "toolbox" area to the left
4. Select your photo from your local computer using the "browse" button
5. Enter a description of the file in the "summary" box
6. Click "upload file"
7. After it's sent you'll be taken to a page showing your image. click the image.
8. Copy the url of the page which comes up and use that url to link to your image.

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:20 am
by Uncle Jesse
to alleviate some confusion, feel free to upload any photos related to distillation in general. anything which pertains to our hobby is welcome.

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:22 pm
by GrayGull
Uncle Jesse wrote:OK if you upload off-topic photos I'm reserving the right to remove them...but here's how to do it. You can upload files to the wiki and use a link to display them in your message.

1. Go to
2. Log in or register for an account
3. Click "upload file" in the "toolbox" area to the left
4. Select your photo from your local computer using the "browse" button
5. Enter a description of the file in the "summary" box
6. Click "upload file"
7. After it's sent you'll be taken to a page showing your image. click the image.
8. Copy the url of the page which comes up and use that url to link to your image.
I registered with today and followed the instructions, but after about 30 seconds of activity, this appeared - "INTERNAL ERROR - The upload directory (public) is not writable by the webserver." and the process stopped.
Question. Is this a temporary issue? The procedure seems quite simple, so I don't think that I have made any incorrect entries. Or is there another simple way to include photos with my HD message?

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:28 am
by SuperDavid
yes sign up for" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

upload photos there and then use the link photbucket provides you to imbed your photo into your post.
very very easy

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:45 am
by rad14701
GrayGull wrote:Or is there another simple way to include photos with my HD message?
You can very easily upload images right into forum posts now... This feature was not originally implemented but was turned on a while back... The procedure has been covered several times in recent months...

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:10 pm
by montanadave
I've been getting the same error trying to upload files to the wiki. I'm working on a pretty thick DIY build article for making a Boka and would like to add locally stored pics. I PM'ed uncle Jesse about the problem, with no response in two days.

I've tried uploading from two different versions of windows and mac as well, using both IE and firefox. All give the same response upon file upload which is:

Internal error
From Distillers Wiki
The upload directory (public) is not writable by the webserver.

A quick google search leads to some apache permission setup problems. I'm really hoping this isn't a bad case of user error.

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:07 am
by rad14701
montanadave, the Wiki has had issues, on and off, for quite some time now... To be honest, if you want to document a build you should do so here in the forums... I virtually never visit the Wiki, mainly because I acquired a distaste for them long ago, and I doubt many others venture to the Wiki either... You can upload images directly into posts here as long as they fall within the sizing and type guidelines...

Uncle Jessie doesn't visit the forums as often as he used to due to his work but I'm relatively sure he is aware of the Wiki problem... Husker may be along shortly with additional information...

Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:54 pm
by Husker
I have shell access (well did at one time, so I will have to dig deep to see if I can find that again). However, I doubt I can change permissions, because the account I had did not have rights to the files or directories. If I can log in, I will probably see just what you are seeing now. And that is the permissions (or ownership) of the directory is setup wrong, OR the wiki process was started with the wrong user. Not a whole lot I can do, other than observe and tell you 'yep, your belief is correct' I do not believe I have rights to fix it.

We will have to wait for UJ to look into it. Hopefully, he will check in over the weekend. I think he may not be in Chino during the week days.


Re: Uploading photos

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:33 pm
by exon
Uncle Jesse, I'll be darned, but there ain't no 'upload file' in the 'toolbox' section!

...this really should not be difficult... I've uploaded gigabytes of interesting pics to a gazillion boards! What am I missing here?

Thank you,

I'll try again, direct from the post I made...
just trying to pass a great deal on to someone.


OK, the file was too big size-wise... I had it at the standard size I upload everywhere, 800 x 600 and HD wanted 500 x 300... so I shrunk it more, and that worked. Seems to me others upload much larger pics in their posts... what am I doing wrong??? LoL

Still don't see no uploader at wiki...