Was walking out of walmart...

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Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Worm_Drippinz »

Another 100lbs of sugar among other things and the person checking receipts at the door was a sweet old lady who said-

"Anytime I see someone buying sugar I can't help to think of moonshine!!"

I replied- "nailed it honey!"....... and kept walking.

She had to be in her 80's. Lol

My wife just rolled her eyes. :lolno:
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Yummyrum »

" No maam its for preserves , don't know nothing about Moonshine . Some folk say it'll make you go blind "
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by jon1163 »

Last week when I went to Walmart I saw a woman pushing a 13 year old boy in a shopping cart. Another girl was dragging a rubber seal, like the sea creature, on a leash behind her. I counted five neck tattoos and that was just the ladies...
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by goinbroke2 »

I hate walmart, not because of the store itself, just the obese welfare people it attracts. I think maybe I'm being elitist, but then remember I grew up on a farm with NOTHING and chose not to remain that way.

Look at all the threads of "people of walmart" on various sites, disgusting.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Tater »

goinbroke2 wrote:I hate walmart, not because of the store itself, just the obese welfare people it attracts. I think maybe I'm being elitist, but then remember I grew up on a farm with NOTHING and chose not to remain that way.

Look at all the threads of "people of walmart" on various sites, disgusting.
Maybe being a judgemental asshole . I shop there so do many others . If ya dont like the place why go there .
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Pesty »

I can’t stand the place either. It’s their business tactics I can’t stand so I take my money to smaller local establishments.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by goinbroke2 »

Tater wrote:
goinbroke2 wrote:I hate walmart, not because of the store itself, just the obese welfare people it attracts. I think maybe I'm being elitist, but then remember I grew up on a farm with NOTHING and chose not to remain that way.

Look at all the threads of "people of walmart" on various sites, disgusting.
Maybe being a judgemental asshole . I shop there so do many others . If ya dont like the place why go there .
Oh that’s quite possibly true Tater! Lol. I don’t go unless the wife forces me because of a sale or whatever.
My buddies wife works at one in another town, horrible hours but not much other employment so she’s “stuck”. I said, meh, it can’t be that bad or you’d quit, if you put up with it then they will exploit that.

Yeah maybe a judgemental asshole? I knew I’d be good at something in life! Lol.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by goinbroke2 »

More to the point of the thread though, last time I was in one I asked about a grain mill....yeah they were lost. Said there is lots on line, I just wanted to physically see it to decide if it would work. “Yeah, I don’t know, probably should just order it online”. Well thanks. :roll:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Appalachia-Shiner »

I LOVE Wal-Mart.
As long as they got sugar for $8 for #25 and Milk for .98 cents a gallon. Aigs for .49 cents a dozen.
That's Me on the People of Wal-Mart on the internet.....
Actually, I did see someone I know on that site once.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by shadylane »

I try to avoid going to Walmart.
There's a real possibility some one will post my picture on "people of Walmart"
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by thecroweater »

I don't really get these threads, I went to a a heap of walmarts while in the states and didn't see demographics that varied much from dollar general, lowes or a dozen other stores. Maybe its the areas folks are going to, ya prolly not going to be mingling with the Rockerfellers if the TJ Max store ya frequent is in the ghettos, jus sayin.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by cob »

I have never in my life been in a walmart and as long as I'm breathing and have free will

I will not darken their door. their kill em all take no prisoners business model destroyed

every business my extended family ever had. they have no ethics, just ask any female employee.

Thecroweater hope this post shows you the deeper waters of walmarts ethics.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Uncle Jesse »

I buy paper towels, cat food, dish soap etc. at Walmart because it's cheap.

Once I was buying 50 lbs of sugar at a grocery store and the clerk said "Oh, making some moonshine?" and I responded "Yes, actually!" and he and the lady in line just cracked up. He said he was joking but he had heard people used sugar for moonshine.

Of course, here in California, moonshining is unheard of. I'd be a lot more careful if I lived in the southeast where people are wiser to it.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Oldvine Zin »

Don't get me started about how much I hate walmart -- but let's just keep it off list please

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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by thecroweater »

@ Uncle Jessie http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 0#p7001257.
Yeah cob no doubt. Quite a long time ago now we had retail degegulated and the two biggest supermarkets went to war on all the others plus all the mini markets grocers butchers lqure stores building supplies etc etc. Those two (Coles/westfarmers and Woolworths) now control better than 90% of the supermarket trade, meaning they control supply transport and production here and have a fair amount of control in many industries, ethic ha there are none just shareholder returns. If they want to move into a district they build combat store that are happy to sell at a loss until all competition is bankrupt . They are big enough now to dictate to farmers what they are going to pay and if its below cost stiff shit. This concept of shareholder controlled industry is not new to any Aussie I can assure you. Sue works for them in fuel supply (service station)and when she hurt herself at work they sent in a big law firm to say she didn't and left her in no doubt they would pour what ever resources were needed to fight her in court. They are rotten to the core but avoiding them all together is not a serious option, I do as much as I can use small suppliers butchers and grocers and pretty darn rarely buy their ridiculously priced grog :ewink: .
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by HDNB »

shadylane wrote:I try to avoid going to Walmart.
There's a real possibility some one will post my picture on "people of Walmart"
ahh, Shady..you kill me. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Shine0n »

Going to Walmart is better than watching the television, I live way in the country and it's the only big store within an hour (still a half an hour)

Some of the things you see will amaze even the most dull of personalities, I for one LOVE going if for nothing else the variety of people and seeing another way of life I'm glad I don't live. lol

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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by bilgriss »

Walmart's sugar is usually a couple cents cheaper per pound than Costco. Hard to argue with that....
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by jb-texshine »

Pay attention to the sugar at Wal-Mart,they have two kinds in the 25#bag for the same price. One is the walmart brand but just says sugar and is beet sugar the other is also store brand but says 100%pure cane sugar. I know sugar is sugar but the pure cane seems to make less heads and correspondingly bigger hearts cut according to my logbook.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by hellbilly007 »

I have seen a few people I know (of) on the people of Wal-Mart website. It's better than going to a carnival

I despise Wal-Mart, yet don't have hardly any other options in a small town like mine, other than Food City. I try to do business with all the mom n pop shops around but some things can't be bought there
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by rubber duck »

Up until 3 or 4 years ago the closest Walmart for me was a 3 hour drive, ( you don't know what living in the sticks is till you've lived where I lived) now I have one 10 minutes from my house. I stop in to see if they have any ammo and such. Before that I'd been to a Walmart twice in my life and I was shocked at the prices. Granted you have to wait in line for 30 minutes but depending on what your time is worth to you they have some bargains.

I have good dental work but I'll go shop with the unwashed, guess I'm just not that proud that I won't try to save a buck.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by rubber duck »

Hey wasn't this thread locked?
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by jb-texshine »

For a bit.
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Deo Vendice

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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by JellybeanCorncob »

Lock it back up
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Saltbush Bill »

For a couple of Hillbillys from Australia a visit to Walmart is a bit of an eye opener ....You guys have some seriously interesting things on your shelves when it comes to food, your selection of cheeses is shit though.
Empty Glass and I spent several happy hours wandering around looking at and buying things we cant get here, just to sample them and see what they tasted like.
I did see some of those people that you see in the posts about " the people of Walmart", but then people with heads like a hat full of arseholes shouldn't throw stones.
The first time I was walking out of Walmart I saw this in the car park, cars like this would be taken off the road by the cops within 5 minutes in Australia, rusted body panels are a big no no.
The second time that I walked out of Walmart I though that we should have bought a bigger car.
Image :lol:
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by shadylane »

Saltbush Bill wrote: The first time I was walking out of Walmart is saw this in the car park, cars like this would be taken off the road by the cops within 5 minutes in Australia, rusted body panels are a big no no.
I've got a truck that looks like that, but I had to stop driving it to town.
Not because of the police, but because the rust holes got big enough for things like beer cans, tools and passengers to fall through. Here in my neck of the woods, we don't have car safety inspections

At Walmart, I buy Zulka brand sugar in 8 pound plastic bags.
It ferments better than regular cane sugar. and is less conspicuous than 25 pound bags :lol:
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Still Life »

Saltbush Bill wrote:...your selection of cheeses is shit though.
Wrong venue.
Fine cheeses would rot on the shelves at Wal★Mart from lack of appreciation and higher cost.
I give my wife ("The Mouse") a basket of international cheeses every Christmas.
Hand-picked (and pricier), found only at higher-end grocers.
Like a cheese geography lesson in the cold bins there.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Saltbush Bill »

shadylane wrote:but because the rust holes got big enough for things like beer cans, tools and passengers to fall through.
hahahahaha :thumbup: I like that shady, wish we could get away with such things here.
Still Life wrote:Hand-picked (and pricier), found only at higher-end grocers.
If or when I get back there , which I hope to do one day , I'll snoop around in some other shops and see what I can find.
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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by Worm_Drippinz »

Dude holy crap this thread blew up! Anybody that wants to drag out $1,000 worth of beer please stop on by my house and we will have a God damn redneck Throwdown Hee Haw you know what I'm talking about lol lol lol! Anyway sorry if I had any hard feelings about anybody but I tell you what I've had some pretty crappy people that I've met and Walmart but then again I've had some awesome people that ive met in Walmart hahaha! This is absolutely hilarious!

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Re: Was walking out of walmart...

Post by NZChris »

shadylane wrote:I've got a truck that looks like that, but I had to stop driving it to town.
Not because of the police, but because the rust holes got big enough for things like beer cans, tools and passengers to fall through.
My wife lost her purse through the floor of our car about thirty years ago. I fixed the floor. We still have that car :D

We don't have Walmart, but it the people look like a hoot compared to the boring shites we have here in NZ, myself included :D
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