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Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:22 am
by StarBoy
Hello All,

I've got SS triclamp CCVM style still with a 3"x36" column topped with a sight glass down to a 2"x24" cold finger condenser. The column is connected to the 2" top of a 50L electric keg. The packing consists of about 30" of SPP with a 3" filter disk from Still Dragon and a SS scrubbie at the bottom and another scrubbie at the top. I've been running with a roll of copper mesh inside the sight glass, though I may move that over to the 90 deg downturn.

They way I have been running is to heat up at around 5k watts then to back off to around 3k watts when reflux starts to occur. As the fluid level rises up the column to the point where it is visible within the sight glass I turn the power down further so that the fluid level drops back again into the packing in attempt to equalize. On multiple occasions I have repeated this pattern but each time I've dropped the power to under 1.5k watts before calling it quits as the fluid level continues to rise.

From what I'm reading the SSP I have is likely too small :oops: :
  • Wire having a diameter of 0.25 mm
  • The diameter of the springs 4 mm
  • The length of the springs 4 - 5 mm
The closest thing I've found to this issue is from a thread by C2H5O5 New Packing but it doesn't look like a solution was found.

I have attempted repacking the SPP to make it as loosely packed as possible, running with different portions of the column insulated and monitored my waste water as I thought it could be flash flooding. I've attempted with this ~ 10% All Bran wash as well as low wines run. Also tried running with less liquid in the keg as I thought it may have been puking.

At this point, from what I've been reading, I'm thinking that it may be an issue in that the distillate is not being allowed to fall all the way back into the boiler due to the packing being too small causing too much liquid to be held in suspension. My other thought is channeling due to the sight glass. At any rate, my next tests will be reducing the amount of SPP to say 12" and increase the number of scrubbies on top of the SPP.

Any other thoughts? In the meantime though I'll also continue my normal runs using marbles which seems to do an descent job.

Cheers, SB

Re: Help with SPP Stablazing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:39 am
by still_stirrin
I’d speculate that your condenser controlled vapor management (CCVM) coil and SS scrubbies block the vapor outlet (branch line on the Tee) when running. This would cause all the vapor/condensate to return down the column. As you keep shoving more vapor into the column (regardless of speed), if you don’t draw it off the vapor outlet, it HAS to return down the column, or IT WILL FLOOD.

Sure, your packing may be too tight too, especially if it holds up liquids/condensate too long. So you should definitely check that. A 3” column should be able to run in the 2.5kW to 3kW range in a stabilized manner. Below that, and you must be flooding.

But, if the takeoff is closed, you won’t produce any product.

Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:52 am
by still_stirrin
StarBoy wrote:...In the meantime though I'll also continue my normal runs using marbles which seems to do an descent job.
Here’s an anecdote: I have used glass marbles in my 2” x 39” insulated column since I built it. It has always been easy to stibilize and run and will pull 96%ABV very well, even at around 3 liters/hour.

But recently, I tried stuffing the column with SS scrubbies (not tightly packed either...I could easily breath through the tube). When I ran it, I noticed that I could not input as much power without flooding and the takeoff rate was much slower, like around 2 liters/hour. Of course, it did push out high proof product, but it was much harder to get the work done...much longer run time.

So, packing will affect the production rate, as well as the purity. But it sounds like your SPP is too effective for the size and type of reflux column you’re running. You didn’t say what the takeoff purity was, nor the takeoff rate at that purity. Well?

p.s. - I am a fan of marbles....effective, easy to use/clean, and cost friendly.

Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:55 am
by der wo
I think, the filter disk is the problem. Look here: ... 17&t=65942
A LM with also other problems. Watch the videos, if it looks similar to your flooding. At page 2 he solved the flooding problem by largening a few holes of the filter disk.
In the thread there is also a link to another forum/thread with the same problem.
I think the SPP is all fine. Doesn't need to be larger.

Edit: And thanks to all greeting me when I was posting something the last weeks.

Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:00 am
by StarBoy
still_stirrin wrote:I’d speculate that your condenser controlled vapor management (CCVM) coil and SS scrubbies block the vapor outlet (branch line on the Tee) when running. This would cause all the vapor/condensate to return down the column. As you keep shoving more vapor into the column (regardless of speed), if you don’t draw it off the vapor outlet, it HAS to return down the column, or IT WILL FLOOD.

Sure, your packing may be too tight too, especially if it holds up liquids/condensate too long. So you should definitely check that. A 3” column should be able to run in the 2.5kW to 3kW range in a stabilized manner. Below that, and you must be flooding.

But, if the takeoff is closed, you won’t produce any product.
I could certainly see the issue being unable to completely remove the condenser out of the vapor outlet path. One of the issues I had noticed was that my condenser wasn't always able to knock all the vapor down over 3k so I was attempting to make it more efficient by adding two more scrubbies as shown in the picture. Haven't had a chance to run it like this yet.

On the other hand, due to the 3x2 reducing section at the top I can't the pull the coil up as far as I would like. When the coil is pulled all the way up, should I be seeing much or any reflux occurring? Because I definitely get a fair amount of condensate returning back down the column.


Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:02 am
by still_stirrin
StarBoy wrote:...The packing consists of about 30" of SPP with a 3” filter disk from Still Dragon and a SS scrubbie at the bottom and another scrubbie at the top...
I think there’s your’s holding up the reflux.

Salute, der wo. :wave:

Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:12 am
by der wo
StarBoy wrote:One of the issues I had noticed was that my condenser wasn't always able to knock all the vapor down over 3k so I was attempting to make it more efficient by adding two more scrubbies as shown in the picture.
My 2" SPP runs with 2.6kW without flooding. To enjoy the advantages of a 3", get a larger condenser and run it with 4-5kW.

Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:21 am
by StarBoy
Reading those other threads it surely seems to be a similar issue. I'll find something else to hold up the packing, or maybe just chop it up a bit, and post back.

Thank ya much der wo and ss.


Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:10 am
by bluefish_dist
As others have said its the filter disk holding up liquid. The holes need to be big, 1/8" at a minimum, 1/4 would be better. If you look at a sieve plate, they have larger holes than the filter disk and they hold up liquid. A quick fix would be to drill some 1/4 or 3/8" holes in the filter disk. That should keep it from holding up liquid.

Re: Help with SPP Stabilizing

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 6:19 pm
by Hypatia
Thank you for the hint re the filter disk. Have been pulling my hair out over why after consistent high performance results I all of a sudden started to have a problem with column flooding. After reading this I realised that perhaps I had changed the filter seal when I had pulled it all apart for a good clean after forgetting to empty out the boiler after a reflux run. Sure enough it was a fine mesh instead of a nice open one. Problem solved. :lol: