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How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:30 pm
by As-Ol-Joe
I'm 50 years old and have been smoking for 37 years. I have quit at least 100 times, if not more. Now it is affecting my job, not to mention my health. Been taking the pill and chewing gum for several days now. I can already breathe easier and don't get winded tying my shoes. Should have done this years ago. I think I will make it. :D :D :D

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:36 pm
by tracker0945
I quit about 12 years ago, got a dose of pneumonia and thought I was having a heart attack. It put the fear of God into me, went cold turkey and stuck to it 'cos the little lady said that whatever I saved from not smoking I could put into a better fishing boat.
Cheers and stick to it mate.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:38 pm
by HookLine
Hang in there. One habit I am glad I never took up.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:55 pm
by GingerBreadMan
Hang in there. My wife and I are going to try our second attempt in about 2 weeks. We have it marked on the calendar. Our first attempt went well. Well it went well for about 6 months. We ended up at a friends place one day where two sets of really good friends had a major falling out right before our eyes. Driving home we were still shocked and a bit upset at the drama that unfolded. We said the dumbest thing evah - "Let's get a pack of smokes and a bottle of wine and just sit on the porch". Two week later, we said it again - it was Friday. Next thing you know we were smokers again.

Our program - cut down, exercise, plenty of water. Set a date, mark it on the calendar and commit to it. Toss whatever smokes are left.

For us, the first 2 weeks were the hardest. After that it got easier. From what I here from other friends that have quit, every once in a while you'll get that urge, you just have to resist. Eventually the urge is just a plain silly thought that passes in a few seconds.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:02 pm
by wineo
I have tried a bunch of times,and will be trying again soon.I plan on using the patch,and doing some fast walking every day.I did pretty good last year until it got too cold to do the walking.
I guess I should buy a treadmill,and put it in the brewery this fall.Keep up the good work Joe!

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:29 pm
by As-Ol-Joe
Thanks for the encouraging words guys. It is do or die time for me. I have to stay quit this time.

GOOD LUCK in your attempts. It has been harder for me to quit smoking than it was to get off of drugs.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:14 pm
by bourbonbob
I've tried several times but I always go back. I'm hooked. :?

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:46 am
by CoopsOz
Me too. Problem is that I actually like smoking. It's probably a difficult concept for non smokers to understand.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:25 am
by As-Ol-Joe
I like to smoke too. Just not ready to retire.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:08 am
by Tater
Ive been stopped 7 years. Wife been quit 4 I smoked for 33 years 4 packs a day last 22 of them.Zi ban help me with the craving.But ya got to make up your mind to not smoke.After 7 years I still crave them sometimes.And still like the smell of others smoke. I also really enjoyed smoking I stopped over price .

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:27 am
by Husker
I quit about 15 yrs ago. First thing after you get over the actual cravings (and the total lack of being able to concentrate when you are doing this), is to become a NON smoker. Do not try to be an x smoker.

It helps to change your patterns. If there is some restaurant, bar, casino, etc, where you can not seem to go without lighting up, then learn not to go there, or find some other place where it is either smoke free (better), or where everyone does not know you as a smoker. For me, driving was one of the harder things. I simply had to change my mindset to be a non smoker in the car. Took the ashtray OUT of the car, and threw it away. Same for the lighter. No one was allowed to smoke in my car any more (which was "usually" not an issue).

A number of little things like that, do go a long way. Think back to the times you failed. When you failed, it was not some huge thing, it was almost certainly some super trivial thing that you did not even think about (someone lit up in front of you, saw you looking at the pack, and shook one out for you, and you did not even think about it). The SMALLEST of things make the biggest difference in life, sometimes.

Good luck! I will pray for your success. It is worth it. I just wish my wife would find her way there.


Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:59 am
by trthskr4
I haven't kicked the habit yet, tried 2 years ago and did really good for 3 months. Job hit the stupid busy season and the wife said I could either go back to smoking or move out. I am trying to find another job that's not so irritating and stressful, after that milestone I'll try to toss them again. I used the patch, got a treadmill and put it in front of the TV, lots of Smartees candies and toothpicks. Actually never craved them til the last week. I got a 63 year old friend who quit 20 years ago and he says he could still smoke one a mile long at any time. I hate to smoke around him but we work together for hours at a time and it's almost impossible for me not to. I'm going to quit. Stick with it, I wish I had never picked up the first one.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:01 am
by The Chemist
And, from the reverse psychology department:

Don't Quit!! Nobody likes a quitter!! It takes a REAL MAN to die of lung cancer!!!

(But seriously, good luck!)

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:04 am
by Uncle Jesse
My pals dentist offered him a prescription for valium to quit smoking. My pal was wise to ask "why would I swap a legal habit for a prescription habit?"

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:47 am
by theholymackerel
Quittin' tobacco is all about bein' stubborn and hard-headed.

If yer the sort of person that can fan a true anger into a blaze, and keep it stoked, you can quit smokin'.

I quit by takin' a good, close look at myself. I was furious with myself for payin' big money to support a habit that gave no pleasure, just relieved a need. I got out the last several years of my journal, and read over and over my annoyance of smokin'... how I didn't like the feelin' of bein' ostricised, how much money I wasted on tobacco, and I read and thought hard about and re-lived all my previous attempts to quit. I realised that all those failed attempts at quittin' were just self-torture... that's when I got really mad. I fed my anger, I coddled it and held it close, I made it bigger and stronger than my need to smoke.

It eventually got so that if I thought about smokin' I'd get so mad at myself that I'd get a stomache ache and a head ache. It worked a charm. I quit and haven't once back-slid.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:20 am
by vajravarahi
I quit back in Nov 1999. I did it cold turkey as they say.

However, I think I'd been psychologically preparing myself for some number of months beforehand. I knew smoking was hurting my health, my breathing wasn't up to normal standards. I'd look at the pile of butts in the ashtray and see that it wasn't a thing of beauty. I think a lot of it was becoming really aware of my habit and developing the desire to quit. And trying to resist that automatic reaching for a cigarette without thinking. I don't know if any of that makes sense.

But one day instead of lighting up with my morning coffee I emptied the ashtray, pitched the pack of smokes and quit. The desire was still there, the "I want a cigarette" thought, but I was able to resist letting the thought take over my body and go buy a pack of smokes. Every now and then, though not often, that thought comes into my little head, but I have no real desire to take up smoking again.

Good luck, and I hope you can quit.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:49 am
by Usge
The only way to quit is the same way you stop stop. You can't ween off. You can't have "just one". But, I know how hard it is. The urges are so intense that you the time...there is simply no way to get through without some relief. But, they pass. And over time, they grow weaker. I quit over 2 years ago, but I still reach in my top pocket on occasion. I still get an urge ever so often. The point matter what matter how bad it gets...DON"T SMOKE. Don't let your mind convince yourself you can have one or two because you are smoking less, etc. I actually put a rubber band around my wrist..and when it got really bad...I just snapped the hell out of it. Some people say the gum helps. Some use patch. Do whatever it takes. But, the bottom line is still...don't put a cigarette/cigar/pipe in your mouth and light it. Ever.

Here's another incentive....make a bet with friends (and your wife), put 5 dollars a day in a glass jar for every day you do not smoke. After 6 months (or a year even better), if you have not get the money to spend on what ever you want. If you smoke even once, or get caught by anybody else smoking, anywhere, anytime...they get the money. Believe me, the longer it adds up.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:28 am
by EuroStiller
I quit the habit several time but returned for one reason or another. Finally, about 4 years ago I decided it was time to really get control of my health. I still have not quit, but I do consider 2-3 cigarettes a day to be a lot less than the 2-3 packs a day that I was at! I find that I enjoy smoking. It is relaxing for me. Since it is pretty much outlawed everywhere in the city, your basically stuck smoking in either your car or home. I have patients that want to quit and alot of them do. The key they say is discipline. Of which I have none! So I will continue to enjoy my couple of cigarettes a day, because I know that I cannot, will not, and do not want to quit. But for those that want to quit or those that need to for medical reasons, I offer as much support as possible. In one of my many attempts to quit, I used the patch. It worked very well for me. Only thing, I had to take it off before going to bed because I was having terrible nightmares.

As-Ole-Joe, hang in there and things will get easier! It's just going to take some time. You have a great support group around you here!

EuroStiller- The Doctor

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:22 am
by smokerscully1
I have to quit smoking--it is literally killing me. I had a stroke last Sunday--just a little thing called a TIA--thats like a heart attack in the brain and just as serious. Luckily no brain damage and it only lasted a few minutes. I knew exactly what was going on and figured it was just my time to go. I felt really bad for my buddy who was with me cause it scared hell outta him. He once watched a guy die from a stroke.
I'm 59 years old but only about 5lbs overwieght--I walk a lot--lead a very active and physical life--cholesteral isn't that bad and blood presure is normal. I eat a lot of moosemeat and fish. Only thing is I smoke about a pack a day.
They got me on a new drug called Champix (Vernicline). It is supposed to work by blockiing Nicotines action on the brain. Take it for a week while continuing to smoke and then pick a date in the middle of the second week to stop altogether. I'm down to 4 a day but count the minutes till I can have the next one.
Gotta go to town tomorrow to get a bunch more medical tests done and talk to the lawyer about updating my will.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:34 am
by Uncle Jesse
Sorry to hear about the poor health of late, Scully. Certainly hope you're OK and that this is just a wakeup call and a bump in the road for you.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:11 pm
by wineo
Hang in there Scully,I stocked up on patches today,and will start clean in the morning.
I think joe started something good with this thread.
I will keep you updated with my progress.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:41 pm
by Old_Blue
I quit after 25 years. Did it all after a scare with the ticker that turned out to be no harm but the doc said it was my body warning me I had abused it enough. Threw the pack in the trash can at the dr's office.

I found my "addiction" wasn't physical but psychological. It was where I was at and what I was doing. That first 6 pack of beer was rough! Every time I got in my truck I reached for the pocket. I had to avoid taking a break at work with my friends for about a month but they understood and were supportive, even envious to some degree.

I didn't use any patches or medicines but psyched myself up buy going 30 minutes. I told my self that wasn't too bad and went another 30 minutes. Baby steps. Next day I used an hour at a time. eventually days, weeks, months and finally years.

It was basically on my mind constantly for about a week then I forgot about it.

Hang in there. I will be rough a first but desire will fade with time. Can't say it completely goes away but you become more in control.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:52 pm
by Gimp
vajravarahi wrote:I quit back in Nov 1999. I did it cold turkey as they say.

However, I think I'd been psychologically preparing myself for some number of months beforehand. I knew smoking was hurting my health, my breathing wasn't up to normal standards. I'd look at the pile of butts in the ashtray and see that it wasn't a thing of beauty. I think a lot of it was becoming really aware of my habit and developing the desire to quit. And trying to resist that automatic reaching for a cigarette without thinking. I don't know if any of that makes sense.

But one day instead of lighting up with my morning coffee I emptied the ashtray, pitched the pack of smokes and quit. The desire was still there, the "I want a cigarette" thought, but I was able to resist letting the thought take over my body and go buy a pack of smokes. Every now and then, though not often, that thought comes into my little head, but I have no real desire to take up smoking again.

Good luck, and I hope you can quit.

The same was with myself, You need to see the habbit, not just know the habbit to quit. You need to quit on your own account and not someone else's, this way you will have more drive to actually do it.

I noticed my fitness levels decrease, in the same week I walked into the post office, I hadn't smoked and someone just chucked down a 16 Red and walk in... It stunk really bad.
Cold Turkey was my method of choice, if you really want to quit, then quit, after 2 weeks the major urges will have clamed down. During this period, if I wanted a smoke and felt like I was loosing the battle, I would simply put a patch on.
Reason for that was - The action of putting the patch on when I wanted a smoke, after 5min, I took it off.
One other point to make it easier, If your work place has very little smokers, that will also help.

I hope all goes well for you and you have enough determination to quit.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:17 pm
by EuroStiller

Sorry to hear about your T.I.A. They are usually an indicator of vascular insufficiency, poor vascular health, or a blood clot. The worst part is where they manifest themselves! You don't sound like the typical person that would be having a T.I.A. Active and somewhat healthy, apart from the smoking. Age dos play a factor, but so does genetics! I hope in addition to the Chantix they gave you Plavix to take daily to prevent, or hopefully prevent, any re-occurrences. Chantix (Varenicline) is a new approach to helping people quit smoking. It binds to the nicotine receptor in the brain, giving you the sensation that you are having a cigarette. That gives you time to break from the physical and psychological addiction of smoking. Or so it goes. So even if you smoke while taking the drug, it is essentially useless because that receptor in your brain is occupied and the extra nicotine coming in has no place to go! Patients that I have given Chantix to, I follow up with. I have only had 2 full-blown relapse cases out of over 100 scripts. That is actually less than the statistics from the manufacturer! Stick with it! Get a Neurologist to check on you head. CT w/ contrast to see is there are any other areas that look dodgy. You may want to also hook up with a Cardiologist as well, high blood pressure or not. They are right up there with Neurologists in dealing with Temporary/ Transient Ischemic Attacks. Keep you stress low, do what ya have to, and you’ll be on the road to recovery.

Hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself.

EuroStiller- The Doctor

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:17 pm
by As-Ol-Joe
WOW, never really expected this much response.

The Chantix with tahe 4mg nicotine gum is working great, not even thinking about smoking.

Here is a good website to visit:" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow It is really informative. Helped me out a lot and gave me a good understanding of what I was up against.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:01 pm
by Jetzon
I have two friends that just quit. Both of them went to see there Doctors and got this new pill? Its in the family of anti depression medicine..Both Swear up and down on that stuff.. Takes all the cravings away. Were all bout 40 and been smoking since school days. I'll be trying it soon my self. If I find the name of it I'll post it. Both said after 1-2 days on it they didnt even want a smoke, the smell made both sick. said :shock: Its like a total flip.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:41 pm
by HookLine
All the best Scully.

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:15 pm
by EuroStiller

Are you referring to the older standby Zyban a.k.a Wellbutrin (Bupropion)? It is an anti-depressant. It was quite by accident that they found out that this drug curbed a persons desire to smoke. It works in the brain much the way nicotine does. It causes the release or dopamine and serotonin, so you feel that pick me up and relaxed feeling at the same time. Bupropion has one good thing going for it, as far as anti-depressants go, a very low incidence of sexual dysfunction. It does have a couple of bad side effects. One is seizures, very serious but minimal. The other is less serious, but still noteworthy for those considering this option since it is way less expensive than Chantix. You have to take the medication twice daily. Your last dose has to be taken at least 6-8 hour before you plan on going to sleep, as the medication can tend to make you a bit wired. But you are 100% correct; it is very effective in smoking cessation. The usual dose comes in an extend release tablet. You take 1 tablet daily for the first 3 days, then 1 tablet twice a day thereafter for about 3-4 months. My patients that go with this option, I tend to keep them on the drug for a month or so longer, depending on their history, before tapering them off the drug. The relapse rate is similar to that of Chantix, only because Chantix has not been out long enough to really get good statistics on it. Hope this helps others.

EuroStiller- The Doctor

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:11 pm
by Hawke
I tried to quit once, just wasn't ready. Now I buy my tobacco on-line from the Rez. Costs about a buck a pack. I guess if they are gonna bust me for untaxed booze, why not smokes too. :lol:

Re: How many here have quit smoking? How did you quit?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:04 pm
by Jetzon
Thats sounds like it. I haven't talked to my buddy yet to ask.. he said you take one then two then three, Something like that. I remember him saying the worst side effects were Crazy/Weird dreams and Gas :shock: He hasn't had a smoke in several months now, was on that stuff for about a month. He smoked 2-3 packs a day too. Very heavy smoker, One right after the other.. There blue pills I believe?