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Safale US05 fruity esters?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:11 pm
by jon1163
So i got me about 30 gallons mash of rye bubbling away right now. But when I mashed I pitched about 1 and 1/2 oz of Safale US05 in a little bit of a mash that was 80°. About 5 hours later it was up in bubble in like crazy and I pitched it in to my Mash early because I had to leave. I think the main Mash was about 85 degrees when I pitched it.
Well now it's a couple days later and it's bubbling away at 74 degrees but I'm getting a whole lot of fruity esters. I normally don't get this smell with this type of yeast. Anybody know anything about this or if it will carry over into the Rye? If so you think it'll taste good? It might be interesting.
Re: Safale US05 fruity esters?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:52 pm
by still_stirrin
jon1163 wrote:...know anything about this...think it'll taste good?...
Sounds like you'll just have to "ride the storm out". . . . in other words, I doubt you'll dump it down the drain, right?
Re: Safale US05 fruity esters?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:21 pm
by butterpants
05 is pretty clean unless you get cold.... like into the low 60ies. 04 is much more fruity.
Re: Safale US05 fruity esters?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:02 pm
by hellbilly007
Rye, to me, has fruity notes to it
Re: Safale US05 fruity esters?
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:54 pm
by fizzix
Just finished a few runs of Birdwatcher's with Nottingham, EC-1118, and Safale US-05 yeasts [
viewtopic.php?f=39&t=70748&hilit=+Safale ]
and just from that little experience I think you'll be pleased. US-05 is not overwhelmingly fruity in flavor, and I'm betting it will
add nice notes to the peppery spice of the rye.
Just started new batches of Honey Bear Bourbon and went with the US-05 this time around based on what I'd found from the Birdwatcher's.
Mine is a slo-o-o-ow ferment at 68°F, so those results aren't in yet. I'm thinking it will be a plus.
Relax, and have a bourbon!
Re: Safale US05 fruity esters?
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:01 am
by bilgriss
US05 is pretty neutral. At low temps it will create some fruity, peachy flavors in the product. If you are describing fruity aromas while fermenting and not flavor, that's normal, and I think rye will often make some fruity smells.