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Kitchen sink whisky

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:26 pm
by distiller_dresden
This came about as having the makings for two 5 gallon batches of Honey Bear, and then deciding on using the flaked maize for both instead to make cornshine (75% flaked maize, 25% malted corn).

So the recipe is as follows:
1lb Honey malt
2 lb white wheat malt
2 lb red wheat malt
2 lb pale malt (Belgian)
2 lb pilsner malt (Belgian)
1lb melanoidin malt
2 lb 2-row (American)
5.5 gal water (ferment on grains)
15g Fermentis M1 yeast @ 65F
6g Fermaid K

I will let everyone know how it turns out, hoping for a complex scotch (not single malt, obviously), or maybe like an Irish whisky

Anybody have an inkling how this would turn out, or suggestions based on your own use of these?

Re: Kitchen sink whisky

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:50 pm
by fizzix
I'm predicting ---predicting, mind you-- a sweet biscuit honey flavor with
that melanoidin complementing the honey wheat. Sounds good to me.

Re: Kitchen sink whisky

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:14 pm
by distiller_dresden
fizzix wrote:I'm predicting ---predicting, mind you-- a sweet biscuit honey flavor with
that melanoidin complementing the honey wheat. Sounds good to me.
MMmmmmm! That was about what I had in mind - malty from melanoidin, honey from honey, creamy almost vanilla from the wheat, a touch of bitterness from the pilsner, and malty again from the pale and 2-row. I am excited to mash this in and let it get going.

While I'll be concurrently running rum washes for the next few months - trying to fill a used once whisky barrel 5gal - I'll also be doing this, 2 batches of straight traditional scotch with golden promise and the M1, and my 75/25 corn shine (which I'm also going to add some cans of sweet corn to, not for mashing, but for flavor, then soaking the fresh wash reserved for thump in a box of cornflakes and filtering). Gonna be an exciting winter!