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Early distillate?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:09 pm
by Hawke
When running my potstill, I've noticed that I get my first drop at 45*C (Almost every run, wash doesn't seem to matter).
Starts out at 1 drop every 3 to 4 seconds and slowly builds up speed until it hits 78*C where it transitions to a steady stream. I usually heat the boiler pretty quick so haven't paid much attention to it.
This last run, I heated it pretty slow, took an hour to hit 78*. Sure enough, first drop at 45*C, collected 25ml of some seriously foul smelling stuff between 45 and 78*C before I moved the parrot into place. The rest of the run pretty much matched the calculated temp/ABV figures, so I'm pretty sure it's not bad thermo placement or readings.
Anybody ever notice this on thier stills?

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:18 pm
by jdonly1
Mine starts to drip at uner 50C also but dont get a steady stream till close to 80C

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:40 am
by Rudi
Yep sounds pretty normal.

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:35 pm
by Hawke
Thanks guys,
I figure this has to be the acetone, methanol and other early nasties. I've started to collect this seperate from even the foreshot cut. (I keep my fores' for other non-consumption purposes)

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:27 pm
by Pikluk
stilled my first DWWG today.
never noticed that stuff before,its the first time i try to pot still(bokakob with 8" column valve fully open no packing) i used that mode only for neutral stripe runs and i just put a jug under it.
anyway on the dwwg today i watched for the stuff,read thit tread few days ago.
man that stuff smell so sweet, any idea what it could be?
sweet nut like smell.
i got about 10ml from 6 gallon wash.
i could really see that stuff go back in but what is it?
Cyanide :P

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:08 am
by Hawke
On my UJSM it smelled so bad I didn't want to add it to the foreshots. :lol:

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:56 am
by Mr.Moonshine
Are you talking about the distillate coming off at a temp that might seem really early? It's pretty normal for that to happen, esp. in a potstill. At 45-48 degrees, everything you collect is foreshots, utterly toxic undrinkable stuff which I collect to put in the fireplace outside :D . You don't want to start collecting drinkable spirit until the still hits at least 78-79 degrees. everything under that is poison

Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:37 pm
by blanikdog
I use a pot still and the thermometer is simply a guide, nothing else. I've found over time that nose and taste is by far the best guide, but then I always collect in 200ml amounts and blend a day or two later.


Re: Early distillate?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:20 am
by boingk
I did several runs tonight and collected in double shot-glasses that are tall and narrow. This allowed me to do a reading on the spirits as I went, every 40 to 50ml if I felt like it. Mostly I collected using a jug, but found the first 50ml absolutely well as the last several hundred [everything under ~30% abv].

Like some above I didn't use temp control at all, just set the heat to the minimum needed for the boil and let 'er rip. Seemed to work quite well...just started/stopped collecting by combining taste and smell, plus the abv readings.

In response to the original poster though...yeah I got a bit of early stuff, before the usual amount of my coil heated up [air cooled coil]. It was nasty as expected and made the 'bin bottle'. Hate to think what the distillate would taste like with it in :?

- boingk