Newbie help

Little or nothing to do with distillation.

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Newbie help

Post by Asohosy »

I admire and command the patience with which some people help newbies. Although I have been doing this for the past 3 years now, I am a newbie and am learning a lot on this site every day.

But I also believe that answering certain basic questions while satisfying a newbie’s curiosity will not help that person grow as a hobbyist. Some of those questions show that no amount of time was spent researching the hobby before buying a still and making 95% ABV etho.
am a bit confused on what to be doing with 95%
I don't mean to pick on any one newbie but Isn’t that dangerous?
so if i just take 95% and cut it to 100ish proof and toss some charred oak into it and let it sit it will make a whisky?
I don’t think that any amount of spoon feeding will make this person safer or make them enjoy the hobby more. I rather think that directing them to the main site, another thread or a sticky could encourage them to read a bit more from the site before attempting to run their still.
Yes I learn a lot from trial and error but reading keeps me safe and helps me make less mistakes. Not posting the most basic questions keeps the site educational and plain fun for all.
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:38 am

Re: Newbie help

Post by libertyesq »

Your point is well taken and has been made on this site many times.
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