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woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:37 am
by gs_moonshine
My wife recently got a new tattoo. More or less might has well say its on her neck. Needless to say I'm not a very happy camper about it. I think it makes her look like trailer trash. She says shes not having it removed but I plan on pushing the issue anyway. To me its HIGHLY unattractive. has anybody here ever had a tattoo removed or tried using any of those creams. I'm just looking at some options.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:19 pm
by The Chemist're gonna lose...
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:10 pm
by minime
hey gs I certainly agree with you on the unattractive aspect of tatoos on the ladies. I've only ever seen one that I thought was not to distracting from her beauty. It was on the bottom of her left foot (a small green frog). I actually thought it was cute.
Good luck to ya. They can apparently laser them off now because the modern methods have very consistent depth. You just gotta get her to agree or get her to the clinic when she's had too much of yer shine.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:22 pm
by Butch50
If your really truly serious, have your lawyer call her and explain the options.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:31 pm
by gs_moonshine
have given that one some thought to be honest.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:55 pm
by Butch50
Only if you are ready and willing to go the whole route.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:07 pm
by Rotgut
Being covered in tattoos I'm kind of partial to them. However tattoos on the neck definite trailer trash I cant stand that crap.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:23 pm
by theholymackerel
Every relationship is different, and what works for one doesn't for another.
For me personally, I let my wife do as she pleases, and she does the same for me.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:32 pm
by jdonly1
Not a fan of them either,but I sure would love to try and where one off a nice chics arse
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:33 pm
by Bob E
I like a girl with a nice tattoo
But the neck is a bad spot. I once hooked up with a girl that had eyes tattooed on the back of her neck. I didn't see um till later in the evening...almost ruined the whole night.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:42 pm
by grizzly1
what's the ink work look like? I take it you and her did not talk about this. On the neck is just trash IMO.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:22 am
by goose eye
i rekon you young. one thang i learnt along while back is you gotta pick your battles.
if a tat is comein between yall there aint much there to start with. if this aint like her id be backtrackin her. get you one of them huntin dog trackin colers systems an super glue em to botom of yalls trucks or somewhere itll give good signal. comence to huntin but you mite not like what you tree.
yall got a biker bar id be startin there.
if you do find somethin just back off an get out of it. she gets mad she gonna turn you in
so im tole
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:03 am
by Ftero
I've been this route before....
Listen to goose eye. Don't ignore the situation. It's not going to go away.
Good Luck!
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:05 am
by gs_moonshine
I'm not as young as what you may think. I'm 33 or will be and so is my wife. I already made the point I hate tattoos on women. She had one on her back which is small and its tasteful just not my thing . She wanted another and at first I said no way no way no way. So we had a compromise so I thought. For her to get one behind her ear. She says that is behind ear, no its below the ear on the side of the neck. As far as the artwork nothing bad otherwise it would have made it worse. Its the size and placement thats got my feathers in a bunch. We she pulls her hair up thats all I can focus on, but I think its cuz I hate them so badly. Am I gonna divorce my wife over it, no but I will bitch piss and moan for a long ass time. I just wanted to vent about and her others opinions on it.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:03 am
by HookLine
Goose, you talk more sense than anybody else on this forum.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:18 am
by grizzly1
Go out and spend ALOT of money on yourself. Buy that big item on that wish list.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:21 am
by nutmg1
I'd start doing some things that piss her off. If she doesn't respect your wishes then I'd stop respecting hers. If my wife pulled something like that I'd throw all of her shit in the front yard. Of course she would never call the cops on me.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:59 am
by gs_moonshine
nutmg1 you and I think a lot like I see. I outta buy me a belt sander and wait until she's sleeping and take care of the problem myself
I don't know but it definitely pissed me off.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:10 pm
by new_moonshiner
I would have to say respect her and her wishes ... you just cant win with a woman they always win in the end .. lesson learned early on .
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:54 pm
by Butch50
Sounds to me like she may want to end the relationship but doesn't have the gumption to do it - so she did something she thought would piss you off so bad you would end it for her. Or she just doesn't give a crap what you think. Either way, you should get the still and other equipment and the product put up somewhere she can't find, and stop stilling until you resolve the situation one way or another.
Hell hath no fury etc - so don't leave any way for her to get even with you by turning you in for anything.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:50 pm
by Dnderhead
I thank butch is right----even if not it would not hurt to take precautions
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:16 am
by tracker0945
I'm with Goose on this one.
I am not a tat fan but if my wife came home with one I am sure it would not be a divorce matter.
If you are thinking the way you are sounding, I believe you are only looking for a way out.
JMHO Cheers
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:27 pm
by rad14701
I don't have any tattoo's, and have no desire to have any... My significant other, who is 12 years younger than me, has five, with one of them covering most of her back... She has acquired all of them during the 18 years we have been together... It's not my skin so I really don't have any say in the matter...
Do I think people think less of her because of them...??? No...
Would I ever suggest she get them removed...??? No...
Am I thrilled with the thought that they will require touch ups for the next 30-40 years...??? No...
Do I understand her reasoning for getting them...??? No...
Do I care less about her because of her choices...??? No...
Does she nag and complain when I do things she doesn't care for...??? Not more than once...
I live by the rules that you never go to bed mad and you never hold a grudge towards your partner... Life is too short for such petty crap... There are worse things in life than a tattoo... I should also add that a tattoo doesn't mean she's cheating on you with some biker... Overlook what you may consider her minor flaws, or lapses in judgment, and maybe she'll reciprocate in kind...
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:37 pm
by new_moonshiner
rad14701, I bet you and yours get a long just fine ....Very good way of looking at a relationship , Excellent points indeed .
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:37 pm
by Butch50
There is something different than your ordinary run of the mill every day disagreement when a "life" partner deliberately gets a tattoo in a visible place after you have had the conversation where you have stated clearly that you would find that offensive. This isn't wearing a dress you don't like, or cooking a meal you detest.
It sounds, on the little information provided, that a glove was dropped. A flagrant challenge was issued to eat shit and kiss ass, or leave.
My wife has a tatoo - she had it when we met. We discussed tatoos, and I explained that I would prefer that she get no more of them. She agreed. We got married. If she got one now she would be sitting on the curb within the hour - it would be a deliberate slap in the face and one that I could not ignore. Trust would have been violated and when trust is gone, nothing remains at all. When trust is gone you start wondering about biker bars - how do you live with that?
Why would you live with that?
There is live and let live - but when your life partner deliberatey challenges you in a permanent, and knowningly offensive manner, it means there is something wrong at the core of the relationship - unless there was a mis-communication and she just never got the information to start with. If it was a mis-communication she should be willing to have it removed, wouldn't you think?
I would carry all the equipment and product off somewhere until the situation is resolved. Chances are that she will keep on doing things you find offensive until the sheets are split.
rad14701 wrote:I don't have any tattoo's, and have no desire to have any... My significant other, who is 12 years younger than me, has five, with one of them covering most of her back... She has acquired all of them during the 18 years we have been together... It's not my skin so I really don't have any say in the matter...
Do I think people think less of her because of them...??? No...
Would I ever suggest she get them removed...??? No...
Am I thrilled with the thought that they will require touch ups for the next 30-40 years...??? No...
Do I understand her reasoning for getting them...??? No...
Do I care less about her because of her choices...??? No...
Does she nag and complain when I do things she doesn't care for...??? Not more than once...
I live by the rules that you never go to bed mad and you never hold a grudge towards your partner... Life is too short for such petty crap... There are worse things in life than a tattoo... I should also add that a tattoo doesn't mean she's cheating on you with some biker... Overlook what you may consider her minor flaws, or lapses in judgment, and maybe she'll reciprocate in kind...
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:28 pm
by trthskr4
Man I'm 34, but I've been married over 16 years now. I have been trying to get my wife to get a tattoo of a crossword puzzle on the small of her back and have it almost all filled in or so. That way if anything ever happens to me or us and she gets a new man, he'll be so excited when she takes her clothes off and more so when he sees a crossword puzzle
, ahhh but then when he starts looking at it....., damn man somebody already worked this one over pretty good.
Not giving any marital advise though or making speculations. I'll save the speculating for on topic items.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:53 am
by goose eye
aint nuthin wrong with biker bars an aint nuthin wrong with motercycle clubs that aint nether here nor there whats in her head is. shes searchin for somethin just gota figure out for what.
all yall sayin you gonna throw there laundry on the ground an she aint agonna call the law on you
best change hobbys
so im tole
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:05 am
by gs_moonshine
some of these posts are starting to become comical. I'm 100% sure my wife isn't cheating on me with a guy in a biker bar. She likes tats and I hate them on women. On dudes some of them are pretty cool they just don't belong on the ladies in my opinion. Let me give the whole story so theres no more confusion. My wife has one on her back that is small below her shoulder just a couple of flowers. She asked me or told whatever that she wanted another. At first as said hell no and she was mad. So I asked where she wanted it and she said a arm ban. Again I said no. So she came back and said how about behind the ear. So I said on one condition this is the last one period. She agreed. I think her version of behind the ear and mine are two different things. What should have happened is I should have said I'll go with you and you get something you like and something I can live with and I probably wouldn't have got so pissed off. So with that being said in this case she isn't cheating, she isn't looking for anything, she just likes things that I don't it just happens to be a permanent mark on ones body. I started this thread because I was mad and wanted others take on it, she's not going anywhere and neither am I. I still think it looks trashy but I'm more than likely just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. I appreciate all your opinions and your more than welcome to post more its been fun.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:43 am
by theholymackerel
gs_moonshine wrote: I'm more than likely just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.
Sounds like everythin' is gonna be ok now.
Re: woman + tattoos
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:14 pm
by Butch50
I love happy endings