Don't Assume your beer is stuck

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Captain Pappy
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Don't Assume your beer is stuck

Post by Captain Pappy »

I once had a beer that fermented dry quite literally overnight.

I pitched yeast, the next morning checked and said Hrmm, the yeast did nothing. I mean it did NOTHING, just a bucket of raw unchaged fluid. I stirred it up to make sure I didn't oversulphite and kill the pitched yeast again, and checked later that afternoon. Again nothing. Hrm...

Somehow I decided to check the Specific gravity....oh...What the heck? It's dry? It from pitched to dry and without evidence of developing a foam in less than 12 hours, no CO2 smell, no nothing evidence wise.

That was a surprise, so don't assume it's stuck, check to see if maybe it's just a miracle and already complete.

That beer ended up being pretty good too. I thought it might have been ruined from a fast and furious ferment, but it was still good.
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Re: Don't Assume your beer is stuck

Post by fizzix »

That's gotta be the fastest ferment I ever heard of. And you actually got alcohol?

I've had similar experience as far as mistaken "non-activity."
I've done about 15 successful home beers (never that quick!) and they're remarkable because there's never
airlock activity. Ever.

The buckets are sealed, and if you just touched the bucket lid, the bubbler would move,
so I'm sure the seals were good. And all ~15 beers averaged 6% alcohol --lets say there was never a run that WOULDN'T
get ya drunk.

It's gotta be the gentler foo-foo beer yeasts, best I can guess.
Captain Pappy
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Re: Don't Assume your beer is stuck

Post by Captain Pappy »

Well yeah that why I posted the story. It was so fast I didn't know it happened. yes it had alckihol in it too. Probably wasn't the best because of the fast run, but it wasn't bad. I remember that much.

this also happened many years ago like the early 90s, so I don't remember all the particulars, but I do remember it was from malt extract, but I couldn't remember which one.
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